Concrete Polishing Solutions- Cat 5 Pro Vacuum Operator’s Manual
Sequence of Operation
To begin cleaning with your CAT 5 Pro vacuum, connect the
appropriate vacuum hose to your CPS grinder. Make sure that the
inlet blocking valve on the vacuum is in the “OPEN” position before
starting. Begin cleaning by lifting E-stop, open propane tank, and
make sure fitting is tight. As vacuuming proceeds over a period
of time, there will be a gradual decrease in vacuum performance
due to filter blinding. If this occurs, actuate the manual backwash
filter cleaning mechanism to dislodge material from the filters. This
action will return the performance of the cleaning unit to normal
When your CAT 5 Pro vacuum is new for your operators, it will be
necessary to experiment with it to determine how long it takes to
fill the collection bag. The unique design of the CAT 5 Pro vacuum
allows the operator to control the weight/volume of the material
in the collection bag to suit his individual or his company’s needs.
The CAT 5 Pro is also a high-productivity machine because it allows
the operator to discharge the vacuumed debris into the continuous
bag without shutting down the vacuum and without disconnecting
vacuum hose and tools. The continuous bagging system also
places the operator in total control of the debris disposal. Detailed
instructions for use of the CPS continuous bagging system and the
manual backwash filter cleaning system are shown elsewhere in
this document.
Do not overfill the collection bag! Fill the bag within
the limits of your company’s lifting restrictions and ergonomic
standards. Overfilling the bag beyond safe lifting weight can also
result in injury to the operator.
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