Min & Max Values:
Touching SELECT when on the
screen will display peak (Vp & Ip) and minimum (Vm & Im)
current and voltage values recorded. The LCD will return to the Home Screen after ten seconds or if the ENTER button
is touched.
Smart Graph:
Touching SELECT when on the
Min & Max Values
screen will start the Metiri™ Smart Graph program.
The LCD will return to the Home Screen after ten seconds unless the SELECT button is touched again. Touching the
SELECT button again will scroll the Smart Graph data to the left of the LCD, and will stay there until the ENTER button
is touch, returning the Smart Graph to the first hour.
The purpose of the Metiri™ Smart Graph program is to organize energy recorded over time in a way that is quick and
easy to understand. The program will organize energy measured into 24 bars by the hour recorded, with the current
hour flashing. The hour with the most energy will be represented as the highest bar (16 pixel rows high) with its value
printed on the left side of the screen, and all other hour's energy will be drawn relative to that highest bar. ( 16 x
<Current Energy Hour> / <Peak Energy Hour> = # of pixel rows ).
If the energy measured goes negative at any time, the Metiri™ SmartGraph will change so that the top 8 pixel rows of
the graph represent positive energy recorded, and the bottom 8 bars represent negative energy recorded. The hour
with the most absolute energy will be shows as a full bar (8 pixel rows) and all other hour's energy will be drawn
relative to that highest bar. ( 8 x <Current Energy Hour> / <Peak Energy Hour> = # of pixel rows ).
Set Home Screen:
Touching the ENTER button when on the
screen will present the user with the units
currently programmed for the Home screen. Touching SELECT will change the units to be displayed and will save this
setting to the User Memory. Touching ENTER after making a selection will return to the
screen. After 10
seconds of inactivity, the LCD will return to the
screen. The choices are as follows.
Show Joules: One Joule (J) is equal to one watt for one second.
Show Watt Hours: A Watt Hour (Wh) is one watt for 3,600 seconds.
Show Amp Hours: An Amp Hour (Ah) is one Ampere for 3,600 seconds.
Show Coulombs: A Coulomb (Q) is one Ampere for one second.
Show Watts: A Watt (W) is one Volt multiplied by one Ampere.
Rotate Values: This will rotate through all the values every four seconds.
Reset All Values:
Touching the ENTER button when on the
Set Home
screen will ask if the user wishes to clear all
values. Touch SELECT to reset all recorded values or touch ENTER to continue to the next screen. After 10 seconds of
inactivity, the LCD will return to the
All time, voltage, current, and energy values incluing the Metiri™ Smart Graph data will be cleared. Data saved to the
microSD card, calibration data, and device settings are not affected by this reset.
Eject SD Card (Scientific model only):
Touching the ENTER button when on the
Reset All Values
screen will ask if
the user wishes to safely eject the microSD card. Touch SELECT to eject the SD card or touch ENTER to continue to the
next screen. After 10 seconds of inactivity, the LCD will return to the
The Metiri™-S will save all remaining data, close out the open CVS file, and unmount the card. The card cannot be
accessed again until it is removed and a new card inserted. The microSD card is not physically ejected, and will have
to be manually removed by grasping the edge of the card and pulling straight out.
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