7. YHC Configuration
YHC 700
What kind of cloud service the data must be sent to and its URL address. So far, only
CkimatelCloud is admitted.
The key used by this service to identify the section of the message sent that refers to
that specified installation
The transmission interval (Default: Disabled)
7.2.2 Monitoring
This menu gives access to the pages to manage the monitoring devices (configure the
Modbus devices and/or the M-BUS Gateways connected to the YHC monitoring bus, set up
and export the monitoring datalogger, etc) Monitoring configuration Energy meters configuration
L’indirizzo bridge è presentato nella forma: “
BRGC:xx id:yy
” dove “xx” è l’indirizzo
slave del concentratore, e “yy” è l’id del bridge collegato
Il tempo di polling può essere diverso dal tempo con cui YHC700 comunica i dati al
supervisore; il polling può anche essere continuo.
In this section, you can specify:
● The number of energy meters managed (from 0 to 30). Default: 0
● The polling time (how often YHC will read the energy meters data). Default: Disabled
● For each energy meter, you can specify:
○ Whether it is enabled or not.
○ The energy meter mode, chosen among those supported (see section 2.4.2)
○ The energy meter address
○ The address of the BRG868 through which the energy meter is read, or the
option of the energy meter direct connection the RS485 bus. Default: bus 485
○ A short description