Document : CS-SUP-MUTI-WPORTAPP-E02.sxw
5.3.4 - Diagram of an exchange in polling mode
the following example describes the typical case where the distant WaveCards communicate with their
respective host. Indeed, when sending a GET_TYPE request (see chapter XXX) in polling mode; distant
WaveCards respond without preliminary dialogue with their host.
after transmitting the radio frame, a timeout is started (configured by POLLING_TIME
parameter); and if the equipment doesn't respond before the end of the timeout (1 second by default), then
the transmitter send the same radio frame to the next distant equipment. However, if the previous distant
equipment responded after this timeout; its response frame would be lost.
Parameter POLLING_TIME can be modified via the commands of parameter setting.
Remark: even if the distant equipment responds before the POLLING_TIME timeout, the next request is
sent only after the timeout, for synchronization considerations.
WaveCard user handbook
page 54 of 67