Corning Restricted
C o r n in g O pt ic a l Com m un ic at io ns
Us e r Man u al I C MA - 4 82 - A E N I P a g e 1 4
1.2 Architecture
The remote access units distribute the wireless and Ethernet services received over the fiber-optic infrastructure from the
Corning® optical network evolution (ONE
) solutions headend.
The RAU5x is a service-specific module supporting five SISO services that performs the optical to RF conversion of signals
received from the optical interface unit (OIU) at the headend. Signals are automatically filtered, amplified and distributed via
external antennas. Uplink signals are then converted to optical signals before being transmitted back to the OIU.
Figure 1-1. Example of Corning Optical Network Evolution (ONE) Solutions Deployment
AP = Access point
GEM = Gigabit Ethernet Module
HCM = Headend control module
HEU = Headend unit
RAU5x = Five-band remote access unit
RxU67, RxU2325 = RF expansion modules
ICU = Interconnect unit
OIU = Optical interface unit
Table 1-1. Acronyms in System Architecture