6) There are 10 presets for Arpology. These can be selected by
the right button and then pressing one of the
following piano keys:
C (0) - turn off all vibrato and panning effects
C# (1) - add vibrato to high voices
D (2) - use a slow panning effect
D# (3) - use a medium-speed panning effect
E (4) - use a fast panning effect
F (5) - play "Ambia", a slow moving improv
F# (6) - use a major tonality
G (7) - play "Streaker", a fast moving improv
G# (8) - use a minor tonality
A (9) - reset Arpology to its initial state
Types of button presses:
quickly tap a button
long‐press a button
: quickly double‐tap a button
Programming Notes:
Arpology is meant to be compiled using the "Stand-alone" runtime
model. Otherwise, the LEDs will not operate. This runtime model
can be set by uncommenting the "#define __STNDLONE__" statement
in Model.h of the ArduTouch library.