VCX-2401-E Installation and Operating Instructions
Page 14
Terminal Program
: The following procedure is valid for standalone units only and is not applicable to
rack mount units.
The Terminal Program, such as HyperTerminal, configuration procedure uses the serial
connection on the front of the unit.
Using the PCA-2400 programming cable, connect to the control port. This cable should be
attached to the serial port of an attached PC and the Hyper Terminal program launched. The
PC should have its Com Port configured as:
Baud rate
38,400 kbps
Data bits
8 bits
No Parity
Stop Bits
1 Stop Bit
Flow control None
Activate the HyperTerminal function, normally found in a sub-menu under ACCESSORIES.
Employ the command set as described in the following section.
Password: admin (default)
To change the default password perform the following:
<followed by your password (up to 11 characters)>
Where <your password> equals the new password
Web Interface
When the unit accepts the log in (default password:
), the following web page will
be displayed. The header identifies the type of unit followed by the page control bar. The
basic network configuration is displayed in the appropriate fields giving the operator the
option to modify them if needed. There are eight (8) pages to select from each giving the
operator control over the unit operation. General, Network, MPEG2 Video, FTP (for JPEG),
COM1 (subchannel 1), COM2 (subchannel 2) provide all the parameters that an operator
may modify grouped as labeled. There are two (2) options to the far right, “Log Out” and
“Commit/Reboot”, which will terminate the session. Log Out will log the operator out
without committing to the changes made in the previous pages and the last will perform the
commit function, writing the changes to the unit and performing a reboot. Both operations
will log the operator off and close the communications channel. The web page may or may
not report the termination of the communications channel. The login process must be
performed to access the unit again.