User and Maintenance Manual
Hydraulic brake ID 3000
Model ID 3000
Date: 2014/07/01
Revision: 1.0
Figure 1 - Installation
The fixed part of the machine which is to support the brake must be able to withstand a
tangential force of 330 kN.
The brake, which can be powered both axially and radially, comes complete with a bleeding
device (Z50327) as a standard feature. To bleed air out of the circuit, loosen the retaining nut
of the fitting and pull the tubular cap outward. After bleeding off the air tighten the fitting
again (Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Bleeding device
Personnel assigned to these operations must take special care, working cautiously
when bleeding the circuit, wearing suitable PPE such as gloves, goggles and safety
footwear and taking any other precautions necessary before proceeding.
Connect the brake to the power line using a 3/8” gas fitting. The brake can be supplied on
request complete with Ø12 pipe fitting (H0047) already connected.