1. Warning:
Get professional Instructions before you go kite sur
Always be extremely careful when using this product
Due to safety precautions the kite should only be used on open and unobstructed water.
While using the product you´re responsible for your own as well as others well being
Always use the size of kite suiting your skills and the wind conditions. Always keep in mind that gusts can be
deadly. Eventually stated wind ranges are without commitment and refer to experts
Never go kite sur
ng when there are obstacles in Lee
Never go kiteboarding when the wind is directly on- or o
Fly this Kite only if you are a strong swimmer and are wearing an approved PFD
Only use the product if you are in good mental and physical shape
Assumption of Risk
Use of the CORE Kiteboarding Product and any of its components involve certain inherent risks, dangers and hazards that can
result in serious personal injury and death to both the user and to nonuser third parties. By using the CORE Kiteboarding Product,
you freely agree to assume and accept any and all known and unknown and uncertain risks of injury to you and to third parties
while using the equipment. The risks inherent in this sport can be greatly reduced by abiding by the warning guidelines listed in
this owner manual and by common sense.
Release and waiver of claims
Hereby you agree that you have read and understood the whole CORE Kiteboarding user’s manual (manual below and complete
instructions on
) including all Instructions and Warning notices. Furthermore you agree to undertake to
make sure that any third party ( who gets the product from you for a certain or unlimited period of time) has read and under-
stood all instructions and warning notices contained in this user’s manual before you permit the use of the CORE Kiteboarding
In consideration of the sale of the CORE Kiteboarding product to you, you hereby agree to the fullest extent permitted by law, as
To waive any and all claims that you have or may in the future have against CORE Kiteboarding and all related parties resulting
from use of the CORE Kiteboarding Product and any of its components.
To release CORE Kiteboarding and all related parties from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury, or expense that you or
any users of your CORE kiteboarding product may su
er, or that your next of kin may su
er, as a result of the use of the CORE
Kiteboarding product, due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence or breach of contract on the part of CORE Kiteboard-
ing and all related parties in the design or manufacture of the CORE Kiteboarding product and any of its components. In the
event of your death or incapacity, all provisions contained herein shall be e
ective and binding upon your heirs, next of kin, ex-
ecutors, administrators, assigns, and representatives. CORE Kiteboarding related parties have not made and expressly deny any
oral or written representations other than what is set forth herein and the CORE Kiteboarding product User´s Manual.
3. User´s Manual
The following manual is only a brief instruction. Download the full user´s manual on