Technical data of the discharge line thermostat
120-240 V AC
Maximum amperage
5 A / 240 V
Operating temperatures
134 °C (± 4 K)
106 °C (± 8 K)
Wire insulation maximum temperature
150 °C
Clips f or tube
ø 12.7 mm (0.5")
Table 10: Discharge line thermostat
– Technical data
To ensure proper functioning and to avoid f alse readings, the discharge line thermostat must be
installed and insulated according to the procedure and recommendations hereunder.
Assembly of the discharge line thermostat
Install the discharge line thermostat on the
discharge tube 120 mm from top cap.
Snap the retainer clip over the tube and onto
the thermostat.
The thermostat should be placed on the
discharge tube so that its body is in upward
position on a horizontal tube installation.
Ensure that the thermostat is not tilted.
The wire must not be in contact with the top
cap of the compressor or the discharge tube.
Care should be taken to route wires so that
they do not come into contact with sharp
To avoid any impact on tripping temperature
by the ambient, the discharge line thermostat
must be insulated.
Wrap thermal insulation around the pipe left
and right of the thermostat and secure it with
plastic straps.
Wrap a second layer of insulation around the
first one and around the thermostat and
secure it with plastic straps.
3.8 Internal pressure relief valve
There is an internal pressure relief valve on YB*K1E compressors. It opens at a differential pressure
of 28 bar ± 3 bar between high- and low-pressure sides. A high-pressure protection must be provided
by the system manufacturer/installer for each system and according to EN 378-2, clause The
IPR valve is a safety device, not an HP switch. It is not designed for repeated operation and there is
no guarantee that it will reset correctly if it does have repeated operation.
Discharge check valve
YB*K1E compressors contain an internal check valve on the discharge connection. The discharge
check valve prevents the high-pressure discharge gas f rom f lowing rapidly back through the
compressor after shutdown.
NOTE: This check valve cannot be used with recycling pumpdown because it is not entirely