Types NR, NRV Maintenance Instructions
Following is important safety information. For safe installation
and operation of this equipment, be sure to read and under-
stand all cautions and warnings.
Safety Instructions
Following are general caution and warning statements that
apply to this equipment. Additional statements, related to spe-
cific tasks and procedures, are located throughout the manual.
Be sure to follow all locally approved
procedures and safety practices when installing the
switch. Improper handling may result in severe personal
injury and equipment damage.
Before installing, maintaining, or testing
this equipment, carefully read and understand the con-
tents of this manual.
Hazard Statement Definitions
This manual contains two types of hazard statements:
Refers to hazards or unsafe prac-
tices which could result in severe personal injury,
or death, and equipment damage.
Refers to hazards or unsafe prac-
tices which could result in damage to equipment
or in personal injury.
High voltage. Contact with high voltage
will cause serious personal injury or death. Follow all
locally approved safety procedures when working around
high voltage lines and equipment.
Follow all locally approved safety prac-
tices when lifting and mounting the equipment. Use
the lifting strap on the switch head casting. Lift the load
smoothly and do not allow the load to shift. Improper lifting
can result in equipment damage.
Do not operate this equipment out of
oil. Operation out of oil will result in flashovers that will
damage the equipment and may cause severe personal
Service information S260-20-8 covers the maintenance
instructions for Type NR and NRV electrically-operated, single
phase, oil switches. This includes their general description,
operating principles and instructions for periodic inspection
and shop repairs. Service parts lists, keyed to exploded-view
drawings of the switch, are included at the back of the manual.
These instructions to not claim to cover all details or variations
in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor to pro-
vide directions for meeting every possible contingency during
installation, operation, or maintenance. When additional infor-
mation is desired to satisfy a problem not covered sufficiently
for the user’s purpose, please contact your sales engineer.
The Type NR and NRV switches are single-phase, electrically-
operated with a quick-close, quick-open mechanism which also
provides the switch with close-and-latch capability.
The switches are electrically operated. The standard actua-
tor can be operated by any three-wire control device employing
a set of SPDT contacts. It can also be operated by a two-wire
(SPST) control device by adding a SPDT relay accessory to
the actuator mechanism.