Instruction Manual
Inset Runway Guard Light L-852G
Remove the three power supply bracket screws. Remove the power supply bracket with attached
power supply. Discard the old power supply and bracket as an electronics assembly. New power
supply will come as a sub assembly of the power supply, power supply bracket, and Bluetooth board
assembled from the factory. Configure the jumper settings for the new power supply per Figures 6 and
The jumpers must be placed in the correct position(s) for proper operation
of the appropriate fixture.
Apply thermal grease to the mating surface of the new power supply and secure the power supply
bracket using 3 #10, 2-piece lock washers, torque the three bracket mounting screws to
Connect the ends of the LED cables to the expansion board. Inspect the feed-thru terminal for signs of
corrosion. Replace feed-thru assembly per Section 10.7 if corrosion is found. Inspect/replace the
optical housing’s O-ring gasket per Section 10.5. Assemble the inner cover onto the light housing.
Tighten the mounting screws to
30 in-lbs.
Perform a pressure test as described in Section 10.10.
Connect the light unit lead from the isolation transformer. Clean the mounting flange area of the light
base. Secure the light to the base per Section 9.1.
10.9.4 Resetting a IRGL power supply’s E-Prom
This process is required to reset to power supply’s e-prom for detecting the number of LEDs that
could be out, based on the LED’s forward voltage it will be used with. This is best accomplished
in your maintenance facility following safe electrical practices during the reprogramming of the
power supplies, as
dangerous currents
will be present on exposed connections when the power
supply is energized.
Lock out electrical power to the IRGL power supply prior to
reprogramming jumper set-up, and after reprogramming during removal
of programming jumper.
With power off, add a jumper, 10047-1677 to power supply J200 between positions 1 and 2.
Attach the LED type to be used with the power supply, installing the correct jumpers to J203 if
required per Figures 6 or 7. Install the LED board to the power supply per Section 10.4. With all
personal safely isolated from your maintenance facility reprogramming set-up, energize the
circuit. The circuit must run for a minimum of 10 seconds, and with the power supply at the high
step of 6.6A during this 10 second minimum for the e-prom to reset and accept its new settings.