Threshold Buffer
A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between standard operation and the aware state when
the assessments are very close to a threshold. E.g., if a minimum value is set to 32°, a maximum
value is set for 41° and the buffer is set to 1°, when a sensor takes an assessment below 32° or
above 41° it enters and remains in the Aware State until the temperature reading returns to within 1°
of the preset limits (i.e., 33° and 40° respectively).
In large sensor networks, offset is used to prevent all sensors from transmitting simultaneously thus
reducing communication disruption.
Failed Transmissions
The number of transmissions the sensor sends without response from a gateway before entering
battery-saving link mode. In link mode the sensor will scan for another gateway on the same network
and use that to send information. If none are found, the sensor will sleep for 2 hours before trying to
scan again.
Configuring Multiple Sensors Simultaneously
Once you’ve set the configuration for one sensor, you can then configure multiple sensors
simultaneously with the same settings.One sensor must already be configured to use this feature
Click on the “Overview” tab in the main navigation bar. You can make certain configurations to
multiple sensors by clicking on “Configure Multiple Sensors” at the bottom of the Sensor List Window.
In the “Configure Multiple Sensors” pane, you can choose which sensor to use for the desired
configuration. Click the “Check All” or “Uncheck All” button to select which sensors will be updated
with the sensor configuration you identified above.
Settings configured through this window will overwrite any custom settings currently set for the selected sensors.
Setting Notifications
Automated notifications can be set up to alert you via SMS text or email if a wireless sensor meets a
set threshold or condition. To create a new notification or edit/delete an existing notification, click on
the “Notifications” link in the main menu area of the site.
1. The Notification List Window
Threshold Buffer
1 °
Below: 32 ° or Above: 41 °
33° 40°
Enable / Disable
a Notification
Edit an Existing
View / Edit / Delete
Create a New