St John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge, CB4 0WS
Document Scope
This manual is intended as a guide for the operation, care and maintenance of the CellSeal
Automated Thawing System (hereinafter referred to as “the Thawing System”). The
information contained herein is based upon technical data that has been validated and is
believed to be appropriate for the intended use of the product.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for use by personnel with a thorough understanding of the products,
procedures, and safety requirements for processing and handling of biologic products.
The CellSeal® Automated Thawing System is for thawing the content of 2ml and 5ml
CellSeal® Closed-System Cryogenic Vials.
Exclusions and Limits of Liability
Neither Cook Regentec, nor Asymptote make any warranties, expressed or implied, and
assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. If the Thawing System or its
related procedures are used for purposes other than those stipulated herein, validation of the
specific application should be obtained, otherwise Cook Regentec and Asymptote assume
no liability or obligation not guarantee product performance. Personnel using the Thawing
System do so at their own discretion and risk.
Proprietary Information
All rights are reserved. Copying of the protected designs associated with the Thawing
System is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Cook Regentec and