Lighting Instructions
The stove packaging is cardboard, wood and
a small amount of plastic. The materials
must be sorted and recycled.
Managing waste
The door can be held in the open position using the push
button on the underside of the stove.
Installation of the door
Hearth plate glass must
be discarded as waste
material together with
pottery and porcelain
Maintaining the stove
The glass may become sooty with use, even if the stove is lit with
dry wood with a moisture content of 15 – 20%. Regular cleaning
with dry paper is usually sufficient to keep it clean. If the soot
has been on the glass for a prolonged period use a cleaning agent
or a special soot removal agent to remove it. Such agents can
be purchased from regular hardware stores or from your local
stove dealer. Never use cleaning agents that contain abrasives or
that are corrosive to printed or painted glass. These can damage
the glass/paint. Do not use cleaning products containing sodium
hydroxide because of their corrosive effect on sealing strips.
• When emptying the ash-pan, ensure that there are no glowing
embers. The ash must be stored in a fireproof container with a
lid for at least one week before being disposed of.
• Also clean inside the area where the ash-pan is located,
otherwise spilled ash can prevent the ash-pan from being fully
inserted and prevent the fireplace door from being closed
• The grate and other cast iron components in the firebox can be
cleaned using a wire brush.
• It is important from a combustion point of view to check gas-
kets, as worn gaskets hinder combustion when the stove draws
“extra air”.
• Painted parts on the stove can be cleaned using a damp cloth,
with a small amount of detergent, if necessary. Damage to
painted parts, e.g. small scratches, can be rectified with Contura
touch-up paint. Contact your dealer.
• As there is a constant large flow of air through the stove, as
cold room air is drawn in and hot air released, dust can collect
behind and under the stove. Therefore, the areas under and
behind the stove should be regularly cleaned.
• Parts located near the actual seat of the fire may require
replacing. Examples of such parts are the hearth surround and
grate. The service life of these parts depends on how much and
how the stove is used.