Service button - sends
service pin message
from Neuron Chip.
Service LED - nor-
mally fl ashes once
(green) at power-up,
and otherwise displays
standard LonWorks
Service LED behavior.
Communications LED
fl ashes once each time a
data packet is exchanged
between the LonWorks
processor and the Ether-
net processor.
Ethernet activity LED,
normally fl ashes to
indicate network activ-
ity (is on solid during
boot-up although there
is no traffi c).
Ethernet Link LED,
will always be on if
Ethernet is connected
(may blink during
LonWorks TP/FT-10
Power, +12 to
+24VDC or
Ground, power common.
Must also be connected
to earth ground to provide
ESD protection at levels
specifi ed for LonWorks
For additional information, visit www.csimn.com.
NOTE: Do not share power supplies among multiple different models without consulting power
supply information at www.csimn.com (click on Help icon).