Note you must wire per directions it might look like you are applying power to both sides of
Motor B but you are not. Use a disconnect on the main power wire when unit is not in use
to avoid wire corrosion.
Motor A
is in reference to your larger motor typically the auger or conveyor motor which is
typically a ½ HP motor.
Motor B
is in reference to your smaller motor typically the spinner motor up to 1/3 hp
Use weather proof secure connectors with dielectric grease for all connections. NO WIRE
NUTS. The use of Alumiconn connectors or soldering is best.
Your ground wire needs to come from the battery and can typically be a 4 or 6-gauge wire
Connect the black wire from the wireless receiver to battery ground via your power cable and to
one side of motor A (larger motor) (some motors may have two of the same color wires or
unlabeled terminals, If so if you hook up the wires wrong the motor will run in the opposite
direction, simply switch the wires to switch the direction of the motor)
Connect the Green Wire from the wireless receiver to the Red wire of Motor A (If no red wire
then connects to the open post or wire If motor runs in reverse switch the wires at the motor)
Connect the Yellow wire from the wireless receiver to one of the posts or wires on Motor B
The last connection you should make is from your 12vdc battery to the red wire of the wireless
receiver and also to the other open post or wire on Motor B.
Use at least an 6 Gauge wire from your 12vdc battery to the wireless receiver. A good rule is to
use one or two sizes larger gauge wire than what the larger motor takes for your main power
Do not use the transmitter if frozen, warm it up before use or it may not operate properly.
Check online for any updated directions at