1. Definitions
‘B&D’ means
(a) in Australia – B&D Doors of 17 Oasis Court, Clontarf Qld 4019, a division of B&D Australia Pty Ltd
(ABN 25 010 473 971), or
(b) in New Zealand – B&D Doors NZ Ltd of 70 Allens Road East Tamaki Auckland, which is a subsidiary
of B&D Australia Pty Ltd (an Australian company).
‘Purchaser’ means the purchaser of the Opener.
‘Opener’ means the ‘B&D Controll-A-Door® Shed Master Automatic Garage Door Opener’
‘Manufacturer’s Written Instruction Manual’ means the instruction manual provided with the Opener.
This warranty applies to every sale of an Opener to a Purchaser and is the only warranty given on behalf of B&D.
B&D warrants that it will, at its option, either repair or replace any defects for a period of twenty-four (24) months,
provided that all costs of disconnection and reinstallation shall be borne by the Purchaser.
The warranty provided in clause 3 shall only apply to an Opener which is being used under normal use and service in
accordance with the Manufacturer’s Written Instruction Manual and are limited to the repair or replacement, at B&D’s option,
of any defective Opener or parts thereof.
The warranty provided in clause 3 shall apply from the date of purchase of the Opener by the Purchaser.
For service under warranty within Australia, the faulty item should be suitably packaged with the details of the problem and
the customer details and sent via Australia post to the following address:
B&D Doors & Openers
34-36 Marigold Street, Reply Paid 76926
For all enquiries phone 1800 636 407.
For service under warranty within New Zealand, contact B&D Doors New Zealand on 0800 427 236.
The Purchaser will pay for any service call made by B&D or an Authorised Distributor where such a call is made for the
purpose of adjustment (as described in the Manufacturers Written Instruction Manual) and not for rectification of a defect
pursuant to the warranty hereunder.
(i) The Purchaser shall be responsible for any expense incurred by B&D or an Authorised Distributor in ensuring that
the Opener is readily accessible for any repair work carried out under this warranty.
(ii) Where an Opener is installed outside a capital city metropolitan area and a warranty claim is made pursuant to this
warranty, any travelling expenses and costs of transporting the Opener, incurred by B&D or its Authorised
Distributor, shall be borne by the Purchaser.
Subject to paragraph 12 hereof;
(i) the obligations of B&D under this warranty are limited to those contained herein and such warranties are
expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose and notwithstanding any course of dealing between the parties or custom and usage
in the trade to the contrary.
(ii) B&D shall not be subject to nor incur and the Purchaser releases B&D from any claim or liability (including
consequential loss or damage and loss or use or profit) by reason of delay, defective or faulty materials or
workmanship, negligence or any act, matter or thing done, admitted or omitted by B&D.
The Purchaser shall complete this certificate and keep it together with a copy of the receipt of purchase in a safe
place – production of such information will assist the handling of a claim made under this warranty.
Purchased From ___________________________________ Phone ______________________
Installed By _______________________________________ Date _______________________
Serial No. ________________________________________
©Copyright 2006 B&D Doors