So�ware Overview
The tablet hardware has been designed to meet the so�ware requirements of
all preinstalled so�ware. A�er the ini�al setup, the tablet will run all apps
smoothly. Running certain apps not associated with Kids Place can cause
slowness. (See pages 2-3 for hardware features and specs). Con�xo tablets
u�lize an Android opera�ng system that specializes in Google services.
Some experience is helpful with google services and may have been
experienced through a smart phone that also u�lizes Android OS, but no
previous experience is necessary. Just refer to common guidelines regarding
Google services to stay up to date. There are many preinstalled apps, some may
require addi�onal services to work properly.
Holding the power bu�on will turn the tablet on. To put the tablet in sleep
mode, press and release the power bu�on. Sleep mode is best if you will turn
the device on again soon. To power off the tablet, you must hold the power
bu�on for several seconds, then respond to the power menu screen by
selec�ng Power off. This is the best op�on if the tablet will not be in use in use
for more than a few days.
Applica�on process: When ac�va�ng any of the applica�on for the first �me
(such as KIDS PLACE or any other applica�ons) may freeze up for up to 10
seconds. This is normal for first �me applica�on to ac�vate. Once this process
has been completed it will run at its normal speed next �me around.
Power On/Off