Contax 167MT Скачать руководство пользователя страница 46

Содержание 167MT

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Страница 2: ...hrittliche SLR Kamera mit Belichtungs automatik zeichnet sichdurchein Mehrbetriebsarten Systemaus dasdigital voneinerHochleistungs CpU gesteuert wird DankihrerAusstattung mitder neueslen Kamera undElektroniktechnologie bietetlhnendieCoitax 167MT eineAnzahlvonauBergewohnlichen Merkmalen beispielsweise Mehrbetriebsarten Belichtungssteuerung einschlieRlich vonProgramm Belichtungsautomatik Spotmessung...

Страница 3: ... GiunoteGndeJver rinreii iij 5 ili l 6iaiiii n Belichtungsautomatik Objektivwechsel Einlegen derBatterien Hauptschalter FilmrUcksoulen wahldereericntunsidi 6il i Prog ramm Belichtungsautomatik Belichtungsautomatik mitVerschluRzeitenvorwahl Belichtungsautomatik mitBlendenvorwahl Uberbelichtungs Unterbelichtungs Warnung bei Gebrauch derBelichtungsautomatik Aufnahmen mitSpotmessung Spotmessung mitAE ...

Страница 4: ...n G Shutter Release FilmRewind Switch Operating Lever MainSwitch StrapLug LensRelease Button O Guide Pin Self timer LED Depth of field Preview Button LightReceptor Window Dedicated Auto Flash Coupling Contacts DirectX Contact DriveModeSelector ISOButton ModeButton Display Panel LensIndex Program Coupling Lever ...

Страница 5: ...rminal CameraBackOpening Lever CameraBackLockRelease Button DXContact RSButton Battery Compartment Cover Screw TripodSocket FilmCheck Window CameraBack Sprocket Release Socket Spool BatteryCompartment Cover DataBackContact Eyecup FilmTransport Signal ...

Страница 6: ...ilesen place lnserte lasoilas Turnon themainswitch Schalten SiedenHauptschalter ern Enclencher le commutateur principal Conecte el conmutador principal Q Settheexposure compensation J dialto 0 Drehen SiedenBelichtungs korrekturring auf 0 Placerle cadrande comoensation d exposition surla position 0 Ponga el arode compensacion de laexposicion en la posicion 0 ...

Страница 7: ...en FilmtransPort Wahlschalter auf S oder C Placerle s6lecteur de mode d entrainement sur la position S ou C Pongael selector del modo motorizado en la posicion S o r r c r r ProgrammedAuto Exposure Programm B e Iichtungsautomatik Expositionautomatique programm6e Exposicionautom6tica programada Shutter priorityAuto Exposure Belichtungsautomatik mit VerschIuBzeitenvonrua hI Expositionautomatiquei pr...

Страница 8: ...6 6 6 ...

Страница 9: ...on la palancade operaci6n r Deoressthe modebuttonand set Av modewiththe O operating lever DrUcken Siedie Betriebsartentaste undstellenSiedie Betrieb sart Av mitdem Bedienungsschieber ein Appuyersur le boutonde modeet r6glerle mode Av avec le levierd actionnement Presione el modode modoy ajusteel modo Av con la pa lancade operacion J Focusthe lens composeyourpictureandshoot StellenSiedas Objektivsc...

Страница 10: ... gezeigtan o Fixationde I eilleton FixerI eilletondelamanidre indiqu6e dans I illustration o Montajede la tapa del ocular Montelataoadelocularcomose muestra enlailustraci6n AttachtheoptionalFLtypeDiopterLenses as shown TheEyecupcanbeattachedon a DiooterLens o Bringen SiediealsSonderzubehor erhdltli chenFL Diopterlinsen wiegezeigt an Die Augenmuschel kannaneinerDiopterlinse befestiot werden o Mettr...

Страница 11: ...Preparation for taking pictures Vorbereitungen vor dem Fotografieren PrCparationpour Ia prisede vues l r lt l Preparativospara fotografiar i I t I I I I I I I I I I I I L ...

Страница 12: ...Preparation for taking pictures Vorbereitungen vor dem Fotografieren Pr6 dration pour la prise de vues l t Preparativospara fotografiar ...

Страница 13: ...p type lenscap pressinthesidetabs Dismounting the Lens Whilepressing inthe LensRelease Button turnthelens counterclockwise as faras it willgo andpullit outtoward you Afterdismounting thelensfromthecamera protect thelenswiththelenscapandrearcap andthecamera withthebodycap o Do nottouchthelenssurface andcamerainside with yourfingers whenattaching anddetaching thelens o Avoiddirectsunlight whenchangi...

Страница 14: ...ver E Insert fourbatteries withtheplus and minus endscorrectly as illustrated inside the Battery Compartment Thecameradoesnotoperateif theyare loaded withwrong and ends To replacethe batterycompartment cover fit the guide pinon thecamerato the holein thecover closeit and lockit withthefixingscrew Thecamerausesfour1 5V AM sizebatteries lt is recommended to usehigh performance alkaline manganese bat...

Страница 15: referto page78 lf it is set to AEL theexposure valuemeasured by spotmetering is locked TheAE Lockis usedfor shooting backlighted subjects or for continuous shooting of moving subjects at a fixedexposure Fordetailson the AE Lock referto pages84 and86 TheMainSwitchof the Contax167MThasthreepositions for takingpictures s for shooting on center weighted metering 6t for spotmetering and AEL for loc...

Страница 16: ...ppareil esthorscircuit et I alimentation estcoup6e Placer lecommutateur surOFFpour6conomiser lesptles lorsque I appareil n estpasutilise Lorsquele commutateurest sur la position E I appareil est soustension et 169l6 pourmesurepond6r6e centrale Ce r6glage convient bienpourla photographie normate Lorsquele commutateurest sur la position O I appareil estsoustension et 16916 pourla mesure ponctuelle P...

Страница 17: ...nfrlsche ausgewechselt werden Beifortschreitender Spannungsabnahme der Batterien blinken dieAnzeigen aufdem Monitorin schnellerem Temoo unddie Kameraarbeitetnichtmehr BatteryCheck To checkthe batteries turnon the MainSwitchandpress the ModeButtonand ISOButtonat thesametime lf all indicators in thedisplay panelturnon the batteries are in goodcondition lf theyblink it meansthe battery voltagehasredu...

Страница 18: ...ilmempf indlichkeitsdaten beieingelegtem Filmauchdannzu erhallen wenndie Hauotbatterien ausder Kamera entfernt werden Wenndiese Sicherungsbatterie erschopft ist schaltet dasBildzdhlwerk auf 00 zurUck unddie richtige ISO Filmempfindlichkeit und Belichtungsbetriebsart werdennichtmehrangezeigt wenndie Hauptbatterien entfernt werden Beinormalem Gebrauch der Kamerabetragtdie Lebensdauer derSicherungsba...

Страница 19: ...ded film or if youwantto change thefilmspeedmanually movetheOperating Leverto the leftor rightwhilepressing the ISOButtonso thatthedesired filmspeed lSO6 6400 appears in the Display Panel o lf youloada non DX coded film in thecamera thefilm soeedwhichwas setlor the previous filmwill remainin thecameramemory Continuance of the previousfifm speed setting Youcanmaintain thefilmspeedyouhavepreviously ...

Страница 20: ...oothlyrntoposrtion rfyou fit the recessedend of the cassettef rst to the shaft ocated rn the upper part of the frlmcnamber Alwaysloadand unloadfrlm n subduedlrght Takecare not to touchor contamnatethe DX contacts and shuttercurtan lf the frlmleader s extremely iong pulloul frlmso that aboutthreeor more perloratonson the uppersideof the f lm appear fttttil t i i t r 0 c It ...

Страница 21: Thecamera willautomatically advance thefilminblank untiltheExposure Counter shows 01 Youarenow ready to takepictures lf thefilmis advancing properly the FilmTransport Signal willturn o YoucanchecktheExposure Counter inthedisplay panelandviewfinder While thecamerais advancing thefilmin blank the Exposure Counter shows 00 o TheExposure Counter doesnotadvance unless the camerais loaded withfilm...

Страница 22: ...sation Dialis set to anypositionother than 0 at thetimeof autoexposure thesign or will IUrnon lf youareshooting in the manualmodeandthe signblinks it meansyourpicturewillbe overexposed if the signblinks yourpicturewillbe underexposed Shutter Speed FilmSpeed Theshutterspeedsranging from 1 4000 sec to 16sec and bulb aredisplayed Forexample 2000 means112000 second 8 8 seconds and bulb B meansthe bulb...

Страница 23: ...oeedin 1 step increments withthe Operating Leveralone Aperture Value Likethe aperture display inthe viewfinder it showsthe shooting aperture O lSO Indicator It turnson whenthe ISOButtonis pressed andthe batteries are checked Film RewindMark It turnson whilethe filmis rewinding andturnsoff after rewinding is completed ExposureCounter Showsthe numberof exposures of thefilm lt alsoachieves the follow...

Страница 24: ...s depressed theselftimerstartsandtripsthe shutterafter10seconds Whilethe self timer is running the self timer LEDin thecamerafrontturnson andthe Exposure Counter switches to theself timer modeto count downfrom 10 to 0 at 1 sec intervals The Contax 167MThasa drive mode selectorthat allows you to choose three shooting modes according to your subiect and purpose single frameshooting continuous shooti...

Страница 25: ...Shutter Release is depressed the camera takespictures in succession at a rateof upto three framesa second lf youtakeyourfingeroffthebutton the filmadvances to the nextframeandstops fhe shooting speedvarieswiththeshutterspeedandbatterycondition S T Self tlmershooting lf the DriveModeSelector is setto S T andtheShutter Release rsdepressed theself timer startsandtripsthe shutter after10seconds Whilet...

Страница 26: ...ingers holdthegripwithyourrighthandandputyourforefinger lightly ontheShutter Release Sticktheleftelbowto thebody pressthecameralightly against yourface andlookthrough theviewfinder Always depress the Shutter Release gently Youmayholdthe cameranotonlyinthehorizontal position butalsointhevertical position depending on thesublect Inanycase studyand practice theposture bestsurted to you It is alsogood...

Страница 27: ...ocusing Ringuntilthe imageon the microprism collaror mattescreenappears sharp lf the lensis notcor rectlyfocused the imageon the microprism collarwill appear grainyandthatonthemattescreenwillbe unsharp iit tiltittiiiil1vr4ii jit itii i o Whenusinga slowlensor takingclose ups witha high magnification you maysometimes findit difficult to focus In suchcases usethesurrounding mattescreento focus o lf ...

Страница 28: completely woundbackintoitscassette youwillheara shutter tripping noiseandthe rewinding operation will automaticallv stoo Whilethefilmis rewinding the FilmTransport Signal will turnbackward andtheExposure Counter willblink showing the numberof the lastexposed frame After rewinding is completed it willshow 00 o Afterthefilmhasstarted rewinding remove yourfinger fromtheRewind Switchlt willautomat...

Страница 29: ...ernen desFilmsaus wennSiekeineweiteren Aufnahmen machenwollen o Lefilmpeut6galement 6trerebobin6 au milieud un rouleau Si le rebobinage s estarr0t6car le commutateur principal a 6t6d6senclench6 parerreurpendant le rebobinage enclencher de nouveau le commutateur principal et rebobiner compldtement le filmavecle commutaleur de rebobinage o Faired6velopper le filmexpos6 ddsquepossible Aprdsle retrait...

Страница 30: ...j Camera Functionsand Applied Techniques Kamerafunktionen und Aufnahmetechniken Fonctionsde l appareil et techniquesappliqudes Funcionesde la cdmara y t cnicasaplicadas ...

Страница 31: ...zeigt wird Die Anzeigeder Belichtungsbetriebsartendert sich auf dem Monitor in der folgendenReihenfolge Silectrbn du moded exPosition Equipd d un obiectif de type MM Multi Mode le Contax 167MTpermet de choisir parmi six modes d exposition en fonction du suietet du but recherchA Pour rAglerle mode d1placerle levierd actionnement versla droite ou versla gauche tout en appuyant sur Ie bouton de mode ...

Страница 32: ...unde in eineder beidenRichtungen schieben dndert sichdieAnzeige aufdem Monitor schneller la izquierda U r 6 il OperatingLever ta the right Bedienungssch iefur nach rechts Lev ierd actionr i ri7 E Palancade operacionhacia o Si l onmaintient le levierd actionnement pouss6 pendantplusd uneseconde I affichage dansle panneau changeen succession rapide a o Si mantienepresionada la palancade operaci6n du...

Страница 33: ...ePRoGRAM PROGRAM HIGH andPROGRAM LOW or Tvmode When anAElensismounted onthecamera it switches automatically totheAvmode evenif it hasbeensettothe PROGRAM PROGRAM HIGH LOW orTvmode Since suchan automatic function isprovided thecamera switches automatical lytotheAvmode whentheMainSwitch isatON evenifyou havemadelensinterchange between MMtypelenses Therefore setthePROGRAM PROGRAM HIGH LOW orTvmodeaga...

Страница 34: ...ical ly settheshutterspeedandaperture for correctexposure Theminimum aperture on theaperture ringof MM typelensesis printedin greento letyou seeclearly thatthisis thesetting position for programmed auto exposure andshutter priority autoexposure Z Focus the lens compose your picture and shoot Thelensis focused by turning thefocusing ring Then compose yourpictureanddepress theShutter Release gently ...

Страница 35: ... 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 ShutterSoeedNerschluBzeiUVitesse d obturationNelocidad del obturador 8 5 6 4 2 8 Aperture 2 Btende 14 Ouverture Abertura ProgramGontrolChart Thischartshowsthe combinations of shutterspeedand aperture in the normalprogram high speed program and low speed programmodes lf youhaveselected the high speedprogram or low speed program mode in particular thecorrectexoosure valuewillb...

Страница 36: ...e rightor leftso that Tv appears in the display panel ilgrffi E Set the shutter speedand shoot Theshutterspeedin thedisplay panelwillchangeby movingtheOperating Leveraloneto the rightor left lf yousetthe desired shutterspeed thecamerawill automatically selectthecorrectaperture according to the subjectbrightness Then compose yourpictureand depress the Shutter Release gently ...

Страница 37: ...rdndert die Kamera die Einstellung derVerschluRzeit automatisch um stets einerichtige Belichtung zu gewdhrleisten o Lavitesse d obturation peutetreregl6e en incr6ments de 1 crantelque 114000 sec 1 2000 sec 1 l0OO sec 4 sec B sec 16sec Si la vitesse d obturation qr r on rJgil n p rt permettre d obtenir uneexposition correctecar I ouverture de diaphragme luiconvenant estau deld de la gammed ouvertur...

Страница 38: ...theOperating Leverto the rightor leftso that Av appearsin the display panel Z Set the apertureand shoot lf yousetthedesired aperture the camerawill automatically selectthecorrectshutter speedfor your subject Then compose yourpictureanddepress the Shutter Release genuy ...

Страница 39: ... optional ND filterto reduce the quantity of light l I i 5 i P t5 lt e Underexposure Warning lf theshutter speedblinks at 16 whentheShutter Release is lightly depressed yourpicture willbe underexposed because it is toodark Adjusttheexposure sothata shutter speed turnsonwithout blinking Theuse of a dedicated flashwillalsoallowyouto takebeautifully exposed prctures o Evenif an over or underexposure ...

Страница 40: ...nweisezum Gebrauchvon Kamerazubehiir Diefolgenden Hinweise sindbeiVenrvendung eines Objektivs mit einerLichtstdrke unterf 5 6 desAuto Balgens PC Mikroskopadapters Zwischenrings 7 5mm Umkehrringes oderanderen Kamerazubehdrs zu beachten dasmit derautomatischen BlendenUbertragung der Kameranichtkomoatibel ist O DieBlendenanzeige im Sucher undaufdemMonitor zeigtstets 1 4 dochdie MeBfunktion arbeitet n...

Страница 41: ...sing the ModeButton movetheOperating Leverto show M in thedisplay panel El Set the shutter speedand aperture Setthedesired shutterwiththeOperating Leverandthe aperture withtheaperture ringso thatthedesired numbers appear inthedisplay panel ...

Страница 42: ...sure compensation sign blinksin the viewfinder whentheShutter Release is depressed halfway yoursubjectwillbe overexposed relative to the correct exposure measured by thecamera andif the sign blinks it willbe underexposed lf neither the northe signblinks it meanscorrectexposure In the manualexposure the Exposure Compensation Dial canbe usedfor adjusting the exposure level lf youset it lo 2 EV for e...

Страница 43: ...eshutter willremain opento expose thefilm To prevent camei a shake mountthecameraon a tripod or a stable baseandtriptheshutter withan optional cable switch o lf theShutter Release isdepressed theExposure Counter willshow 00 andthenindicate theexposure timein seconds whilethebutton is helddepressed Thecounter willadvance from 00 to 59 and after60 seconds it willreturn to 00 again il l It t1 11 ji 7...

Страница 44: ...wellto fluctuations of light Meteri ng Sensitivity Chart MeBe mptindIichkeits TabeIIe Tableau de sensibilite de mesure Cuadrode sensibilidad de fotometrla Spot Metering MainSwitchat O Thismethodmeasures onlythe brightness of the subject in the microprism in thecenterof theviewfinder to determine theexposure lt is usefulfor shooting backlighted portraits or spotlighted stagesceneswhere thesubjectan...

Страница 45: ...4lensin thecenter weighted metering for instance firstfind 100 inthe ISOcolumn onthe aperture tableandlocate 1 4 and 16 inthisrow the minimum aperture of Planar T 50 mm is F16 Then followthe corresponding diagonal linesandfindtheirintersecting points withtheverticalline EV andhorizontal line shutter speed This represents the limitsof the metering range thatis EV 0 to 8 9 I0 il t2 t3 14 t5 t6 t7 18...

Страница 46: ...iththemicroprism collarinthecenterof viewf inder Z Depress theShutter Release lightlyThecamera will measure exposure andthespotmetering markandthe exposure valuewillbedisplayed Checkexposure anddepress theShutter Release allthe wayto takeyourpicture the 82 ...

Страница 47: ...terof theviewfinder andswitchthe MainSwitch from O to AEL Thus thecamera willtakereading on thesubjectandlockthisexposure value o Thespotmetering markin theviewfinder blinkswhile theAE Lockis activated o Youcanshootrepeatedly withthesameexposure value whiletheAE Lockis activated o SettheMainSwitch to AEL whenthedisplay inthe viewfinder or oanelis on E Recompose yourpictureas youoriginally intended...

Страница 48: ...theAE Lock o DieseKameraistso konstruiert daRder MeRwert als EV Wert Belichtungswert gespeichert wird WennSiebei aktiviertem MeRwertspeicher in der Betriebsart Av beisoielsweise dreBlendeneinstellung verandern so dndert die kameraautomatisch dieVerschluRzeit aufeinender neuenBlende entsprechenden Wert um den Belichtungswert konstant zu halten Solange der MeRwertspeicher aktiviert ist bleibtdie Spa...

Страница 49: ...rala compensacton de la exposicion de 1 3a Z EV t l I f 5 5 8 P Forexposure compensatton of 1 3 2 EV Furerne Belichtungskorrektur von 1 3bis 2 EV Pour compensation d exposition de 1 3 2 EV Para lacompensacton dela exDostcton de 1 3a 2 EV The signwillturnon intheviewfinder if compensation is madeina range of 113 EV 2 EV andthe signwillturnon inthecaseof 113 EV 2 EV Depending on theamount of compens...

Страница 50: ...houette if it rstaken on center weightedrnetering In such cases compensate exposurein a rangeof 1 1 3 2 t o q i v em o r e exDosureto it l t i For Spotlighted Subjects 1 3 2 lf you are shootinga spotlighted subjecton a stagewhere a dark background predominates in the scene it will be overexposed and turn out lrqhtif rt is takenon center werghtedmetering In SUCh CASES USC exposu re compensation o f...

Страница 51: ...surecompensation to obtain an intended effect or if you want to take extra pictures with exposurevaluesshifted this automatic continuous compensation function is veryconvenient becauseit allows you to take pictures by changing the degreeof exposurecompensationin three sfeps automatically I Setthecompensating valuewiththeCompensating ValueSettingLever Themodewillswitchto automatic continuous exposu...

Страница 52: ...llbeexposed with 1 EV thesecond framewith 0 EV andthethirdframe with 1 EV During automatic continuous exposure compensation the display intheExposure Counter willchange inthe following manner to indicate theshooting order Example lf automatic continuous exposure compensation is effected fromtheframeNo 18 the numbers inthe Exoosure Counter blinkinthefollowino seouence e Compensating leverts activat...

Страница 53: ... o WennSieeinenKorrekturwert eingestellt haben derdie Belichtungsgrenze der KameraUberschreitet so wirddie Aufnahme mitdemGrenzwert gemacht o Um dieseFunktion aufzuheben stellen Sieden Korrekturuyert Einstellhebel auf 0 zurUck WennSiedieEinstellung vonBlende Belichtungsbetriebsart oderFilmempfindlichkeit bei automatischer Belichtungskorrektur Serie gedndert haben so wirddieBelichtung fUrdiedreifol...

Страница 54: ... sec 2 Sek 2 sec 2 seg lf you want to include yourself in a group picture or souvenirpicture use the self timer I Focusthe lenson yoursubjectandsetthe DriveMode Selector to S T o Do notusetheself timer whentakingpictures on bulb o lf theShutter Release is depressed or the aperture or shutter speedis changed whiletheself timer is running the Exposure Counter willreturnto 00 andthe shutter willtrioa...

Страница 55: ...ield of a lensand it variesas follows Thesmaller theaperture thewiderthedepthof field andviceversa Thelonger thesubject distance thewiderthedepthof field andviceversa The zoneof sharpness behindthe pointon whichthe lensis focused iswiderthanthatin frontof it Inthecase of different lenses lenses witha shorterfacallengthhave a widerdepthof fieldthanthosewitha longer focal length ...

Страница 56: ...he two 16 on the scale that rs from approximately 1 4 m to 5 m wtli turn out sharprnyour p cture Depth of field Preview Button Although the camerais desrgned for full aperture meterng you can alwayscheck the depthof freldor a blurred effectby stopprng down the lensto the shoottng aoertureThe maoe in the viewfinder will becomedarker becarse the le s rs stoppeddowr o Do not trrpthe shutterwith the D...

Страница 57: ...ctures on TTL directlightmetering by simplysetting thecamerain the autoexposure modeandthe Tl A flashin theTTLauto flashmode TheSPDcellfor flashincorporated in the camerawillmeasure the lightthatreaches thefilmplane through the lensandautomatically control the required amount of light o A realtimeflash RTF 540 is alsoavailable in theTl A FlashSystem itcan be usedwithan optional Tl A Adapter Totake...

Страница 58: ...gdes TLA Blitzsystems Inderprogrammierten TTL Blitzautomatikbetriebsart kdnnen her vorragende Blitzaufnahmen voreinemklarenHintergrund gemachl werden InderTTL Blitzautomatikbetriebsart mitBlendenvorwahl konnen Blitzaufnahmen inUbereinstimmung mitderjeweils einge stellten Blende gemacht werden Sobald derBlitzvollstiindig aufgeladen ist wirddieVerschluRzeit derKamera automatisch aufdieBlitzsynchroni...

Страница 59: ...ts Setthecamerain the manual mode setexposure on thebackground andadjustonlytheamountof flash lightwiththe Exposure Compensation Dial DaylightFlash Subjects illuminated by strongsunlight or backlighted portraits willsometimes turnoutdark lf youusedaylight flashin suchcases boththesubject andbackground will be beautifully exposed Totakedaylight flashpictures in theaperture priority TTL auto flash m...

Страница 60: ...rBlitzgerdte DieContax167MTistmiteinemX Synchronisationskontakt ausgestattet Bei Verwendung von anderenBlrtzgerdten als demTlA Blitzsystem stellenSiedieVerschluBzeit auf 1 125 Sek oderldnger ein o Einige groReBlitzgertite Studioblitz benotigen eine ldngere Synchronisationszeit als 1 125Sek Beachten Sie dieAngaben desBlitz Herstellers o DieContax167MT verfrigt sowohlUbereinendirekten X Kontakt alsa...

Страница 61: ...Uberliegt o BeiVenarendung von Farb lnfrarotfilm sinddie Anweisungen desmit demFilmgelieferten Informationsblatts zu beachten Marque decompensation pourlilminfrarouge Marcadecomrensacion deinfrarrojos lnfraredCompensation Mark lf youtakeinfrared pictures withB W infrared film and redfilter infrared compensation is necessary because the pointof focuswillshiftslightly compared to normal photography ...

Страница 62: ...nsmits electric signals fromthese accessories to operate theshutter o Do notconnectan ordinary cablerelease mechanically operated type to thisrelease socket becauseit can causedamageto the socket Interchangeable CameraBack Thestandard camerabackcanbe detached andchanged witha databackfor printing datesandtimeon the picture fhe CameraBackcan be detached by pushing downthe release pin 1 1 4 ...

Страница 63: ...anges because waterdroplets willcauseinternal corrosion lf youaregoingto usethecamerafor important events suchas an overseas tripor wedding ceremony be sureto testit beforehand to makesureit functions properly lt is alsoadvisable to bringsparebatteries withyou To cleanthe cameraexterior wipewitha softcloth Neverusebenzine thinner or othersolvents CameraStorage Keepthe cameraawayfrom heat moisturea...

Страница 64: ... FlashSynchronization X contactonly as soonas flashis fully charged shutterspeedautomatically switches to 1 125sec with dedicated flash flashsynchronizalion at 1 125sec or slowerin manualmode AE Lock Quantityof lighton subjectis storedin memory ExposureCompensation 2 EV 2 EV clickstopsin 1 3 EV steps Automatic Continuous ExposureCompensation Via compensation valuesettinglever Viewfinden Pentaprism...

Страница 65: ...etrieb Bitdzdhtwerk_ anzeige verringert sichzurAnzeige derverbleibenden Vorlaufzeit von l0 auf0 Sek VerschluRausliisen Elektromagnetisches Auslosesystem mit Ausloserbuchse Belichtungssteuerung Einsteilung der Berichtungsbetriebsart UberRedienungsschieber beigedrUckt gehaltener Betriebsarten taste Belichtungsbetriebsarten 1 Normalprogramm_ Belichtungsautomatik 2 Kurzzeitprogramm Belichtungs automat...

Страница 66: ...lendar Characterprinting Among49 characters including alphanumeric characters andsymbols 10 characters can be printed on thefilm Youcan printyournameandthe placewhereyoutookyourpicturealongwiththedateor time Interualfunction lf youusethisfunction the camerawill automatically takea specified numberof exposures at a fixedinterval fromthetimethathasbeenset It is usefulfor observing changes withtime L...

Страница 67: ...tteries lf it is attached to thecamera the camera s tripodsockel is located approximately in thecenterso thatthe camera can be heldstableon a tripodandthe RTF540 canbe mounted on the rightside It is alsoprovided witha connector for external power supply lf an optional PowerPackP 6is connected to this connector youcantakepictures in coldweather without worrying aboutdecreased batteryperformance r T...

Страница 68: ...ieje nachMotivundAnwendungszweck die geeignete Sucherscheibe JedeSucherscheibe wirdmit einerPinzette geliefert FU 5 FU 6 Verre de vis6e Type FU Quatreverresde viseesontdisponibles avecle 167MT verresa imagebris6ehorizontale microprisme image bris6ed 4So microprisme d6poliet d6poliquadrill6 Utiliser cesverresen fonction du sujetde la photoet des applications Chaque verreestfourniavecdesbrucelles o ...
