Adjusting the HLD3
To power on the HLD3, turn the volume knob clockwise until the power indicator lights up.
Switch the hearing aid(s) to the T-coil mode.
Adjust the volume on the HLD3 to a level that is most comfortable for you (The TV volume
control will not change the volume of HLD3, unless you have a variable audio output on your
TV.) If your TV has variable audio output, the HLD3 volume will change with the TV. Fixed
audio output is desired.
Note: If using a loop pad you will need to sit in the chair where the pad is installed to
hear after an adjustment has been made.
Make final adjustments on the hearing aid(s).
Make a note of the volume level on both the HLD3 and your hearing aid(s) so that this can be
easily adjusted to this level when it is next in use.
When not in use, turn the volume knob counter-clockwise until it clicks to power off.