WLAN Stick N150 „Nano“
Version 04/10
Item-No. 97 37 87
Proper use according to manufacturer’s instructions
The WLAN stick is intended for connection to a USB port on a computer (or a USB Hub
connected to the computer) in order to establish a radio connection with other appro-
priate devices (e.g. WLAN-Router).
This product complies with the applicable National and European requirements. All
names of companies and products are the trademarks of the respective owner. All
rights reserved.
• WLAN Stick
• CD with driver/software
• Operating Instructions
• USB connection, USB2.0
• WLAN-Standard 802.11b/g/n
Installation of the driver/software; connection of the WLAN
Install the software provided first, before connecting the WLAN stick
to the computer.
Otherwise, Windows will not find the driver on the enclosed CD.
• Insert the CD provided in the appropriate drive on your computer. If the installation
does not start automatically, open the CD’s content e. g. with Windows file manager
and start the installation program manually (e.g., „Autorun.exe“). Follow all instruc-
• After completing the installation, the WLAN stick can be connected to the PC.
Windows recognises the new hardware and completes the driver installation.
• Before the WLAN stick can function correctly, it might be necessary to restart the
Tips & Notes
• USB does not function when DOS or Windows are in safe mode (or only restricted to
USB keyboard/mouse). The WLAN stick cannot be operated here.
• If there is a network or system administrator who is responsible for your network (for
example in a larger company) let him set up the connection and the configuration,
do not install the device yourself.
• The indicated maximum data transfer rate (e.g. 54MBit for 802.11b/g, which means
about 6.5MByte/s) is never acquired in reality. This is due to the transmission tech-
nology used, transfer errors, the distance between the WLAN stations and so on.
The same applies to 802.11n (with this WLAN stick theoretically max. 150MBit).
• With Windows, it might take some time until the PCs appear on the network.
Normally, you cannot access another PC immediately after you have switched on
the PCs and Windows has loaded on all the PCs. When you double-click the „net-
work environment“ button you may get a message saying e.g. „...the network can-
not be searched...“.
If you still do not have access after a few minutes, you need to check the firewall or
the virus scan settings.
Naturally, access permissions also have to be set accordingly, if you are using an
operating system that offer such features.
There are numerous causes for why a network connection does not succeed.
Please refer to the appropriate specialised literature or to a specialised technician.
• If you are not using a DHCP-Server (e.g. integrated in all WLAN DSL-routers), you
should assign a separate IP-address to each PC (and if necessary, also to all the
other devices in the network).
For example, set the first computer to, the second to, etc.
The first three numbers must be the same for all the computers, the last number can
range from 1 to 254.
The „subnet mask“ has to be set to on all computers.
Please note, an IP address (e.g. must not be assigned twice on the same
• You should always encrypt your network connections, to prevent unauthorized
access, i.e. to your WLAN DSL router. You should preferably use „WPA2“ encrypti-
on type.
• The WLAN stick can be logged on easily to WLAN routers that are equipped accor-
dingly by using the WPS button on the WLAN stick. Please observe the router’s ope-
rating manual.
• The wireless coverage depends on the ambient conditions, and can be restricted by:
- High-frequency interference of all types (computers, monitors, mobile phones)
- Any kind of housing and vegetation
- Conductive metals that are close to or inside the device, e.g. cables, radiators,
metallised insulated glass panes, reinforced concrete floors, etc., but also compu-
ter cabinets.
- Influences on the aerial’s transmission characteristics, due to the distance of the
transmitter or receiver from conductive areas or objects (including the human body
or floor).
- Broadband interference in urban areas that reduces the signal-to-noise ratio; the
signal is not recognised because of the „noise“
- Irradiation from insufficiently shielded electronic devices, e.g. computers operated
openly, or similar.
- Movements of the receiver/transmitter
- Too short/long distance from the receiver/transmitter
Declaration of Conformity (DOC)
We, Conrad Electronic, Klaus-Conrad-Straße 1, D-92240 Hirschau (Germany), here-
by declare that this product conforms to the fundamental requirements and the other
relevant regulations of the directive 1999/5/EG.
You can find the declaration of conformity for this product at
Electrical and electronic products do not belong in the household waste!
Please dispose of the device when it is no longer of use, according to the
current statutory requirements.
These operating instructions are a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240
Hirschau (www.conrad.com).
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microfilming, or
the capture in electronic data processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor.
Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited.
These operating instructions represent the technical status at the time of printing. Changes in
technology and equipment reserved.
© Copyright 2010 by Conrad Electronic SE.