AX34509a_e.doc / Aug-10
Page 16 / 38
Setting of Parameters
Basic Parameters
In general, the parameters described subsequently must be set with the very first
commissioning of the unit only. For best comprehensibility, this section describes setup of all
display functions only as needed for model AX 345, and settings applicable to preselections
and switching outputs of AX 347 are described separately.
Menu Text
Mode of operation
Single input operation (input A only)
Dual input operation (input A and input B separately)
Sum operation (input A + input B)
Differential operation (input A – input B)
Dividing operation (ratio A : B)
Multiplying operation (product A x B)
Brightness of the display
„ 100“
100% of maximum brightness
„ 80“
80% of maximum brightness
„ 60“
60% of maximum brightness
„ 40“
60% of maximum brightness
„ 20“
20% of maximum brightness
Update time of the display
Updates the display every seconds. Setting range from
0.050 to 5.999 seconds.
Keypad interlock code
Keypad enabled continuously
Keypad locked for any access
Keypad locked, except for access to preselections
Pres 1 und Pres 2
Mode of linearization
No linearization. The corresponding parameters will
not appear in the menu.
Linearization for the numeric range 0 – 99999.
Interpolation points to be set in the positive range
only (negative values will appear as a mirror).
Linearization over the full range
–99999 to +99999