Time out for Release:
Specify the Release time.
Registration Retry Count:
Specify the time interval for registration retry time.
SIP User Agent Name:
Specify SIP User Agent Name.
2.7.2 Account Setting
Account Setting
from the
SIP Management
Account Setting
page appears.
User name:
Specify a user name for Port 1 or Port 2.
Display Name:
Specify a display name for Port 1 or Port 2.
Authentication User Name:
Specify an authentication name for Port 1 or Port 2.
Authentication Password:
Specify an authentication password for Port 1 or Port 2.
Confirmed Password:
Re-type the authentication password to confirm.
MWI stands for Message Waiting Indication. To enable your phone to give you a
message–waiting (beeping) dial tone when you have one or more voice messages. Your
VoIP service provider must have a messaging system that sends message-waiting-status
SIP packets as defined in RFC 3842.
To enable P-Asserted identity. If enabled, this allows the network to assert a
public user identity for a calling user.
Asserted Identity URI:
Specify the P-asserted identity number.
Asserted Identity Display Name:
Specify the display name for P-asserted identity.