Call Key 2
Pressing this key sends either a preprogrammed DTMF code or two tone code.
This is a paging feature that is used to contact individual radio or sometimes to set off
certain type of alarming features. When you set it for a DTMF code or a two tone code
the other radio has to be able to receive that DTMF code or two tone code. Not all radios
have the ability to respond to paging.
Lone Worker
This is an alternate action switch. Press to enable the Lone Worker function and press
again to disable the Lone Worker function.
The purpose of this function is to call for help if the person holding this radio does not
press a key on the radio every so often. Once the radio is set for the Lone Worker mode, a
timeout timer is started. At the end of this time an alarm on the radio will sound telling
the user to press either the Lone Worker reset key or any key, depending how the unit is
preprogrammed. If the user does not press the appropriate key soon after the radio starts
to alarm, the radio will go into an emergency mode and depending on the dealer
programming, will either generate a local alarm or transmit an alarm to another radio or
Lone Worker Reset
If set to the Lone Worker mode, then pressing this key will stop the alarm and reset the
timeout timer.
While the user can wait to press the key to stop the alarm on the radio, pressing the key at
anytime will reset the Lone Worker Timeout Timer.
Emergency Alarm
Pressing the key designated as “emergency alarm” will cause the radio will go into an
emergency mode and depending on the dealer programming, will either generate a local
alarm or transmit an alarm to another radio or both.
This has a similar function as the Lone Worker mode. The biggest difference is the user
must press a key to start this function verses the lone worker where not doing something
starts the function. This could be used in situations where you want someone to know
there is an emergency but talking over the radio might jeopardize the safety of the user.
Emergency Alarm Off
Pressing this key forces the radio from an emergency mode to the normal receiving
This key would normally be pressed if the emergency alarm condition is resolved or the
emergency alarm key has been pressed by accident.