Way of alarm: 0, GPRS only; 1, SMS+GPRS; default:1.
Means when the car is moving over 120km/h in average in 10 seconds, the device
will send over speed alarm to user.
6.9 Restore to factory setting
SMS command format:
to set all parameter to default factory value.
Once received “OK”, it succeeds.
6.10 Reboot device
When there is something wrong with the link of GPRS, e.g., the parameter setting of
the device is correct, but you can't track the car on the platform. At this moment
you can send a command to the device to reboot the device.
The format is:
After receiving this command, the device will reboot after 1mins.
7. Register and log onto GPS tracking platform:
Account: IMEI Number
The function on the GPS platform can be realized as follows:
Real-time Tracking
Report and Statistics
Online Configuration
8. Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble with your device, try these troubleshooting procedures
before contacting a service professional.
Red LED does The fuse blows
Replace the fuse