26 english
english 27
In inch format, the minimum height variation as the desk-
top moves up or down is 0.5 inches, while in centimeter
format it is 1 centimeter.
5. 5 Move desktop to the saved positions
5. 6 Toggle the display unit format
1. Press and hold the button
Desktop returns to the
previously saved corresponding position.
1. Press and hold button
, then press and hold for about
3 seconds.
The height information changes from centimeters
and inches
6. Trouble Shooting
6. The desktop can only be moved downwards, but not upwards.
Re-initialize the table.
Please contact your supplier.
7. Desktop only moves down and does not move up.
Check if the weight of the load on the table exceeds 75 kg.
Re-initialize the table.
Please contact your supplier.
8. Table slides down itself.
Check if the weight of the load on the table exceeds 75 kg.
Please contact your supplier.
9. The table goes into initialization frequently.
Check if the weight of the load on the table exceeds 75 kg.
Check the noise of the motor.
Please contact your supplier.
1. After connecting the power, there is no movement of the
desktop, even when pressing or .
Re-initialize the table.
Check if the connection is correct.
Please contact your supplier.
2. After connecting the power, there is no movement of the
desktop, even when pressing or togehter.
Check if the connection is correct.
Please contact your supplier.
3. The desktop is rising too slowly.
Check if the input power is correct.
Please contact your supplier.
4. The desktop doesn’t move according to your operation.
Please contact your supplier.
5. One unit moves while the other unit does not move.
Check if the connection is correct.
Please contact your supplier.
Trouble Shooting
watch video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYTcxOtMBGU
1. Press and hold or until the required desktop height is
reached, then release.
Move the desktop to the position you
want the table surface to be.
2. Press and hold button
, then press and hold
, keep for
about 4 seconds.
Letter “
” is indicated on the screen.
That means the position is locked at the lowest position that
the table can be moved to.
5.7 Limit the movement area of the desktop
5.7.1 Pedestal stop
5.8 Unlock the limited movement area of the desktop
The desktop cannot be moved below the locked position.
Memory positions below the locked position will be lost even
after the table is unlocked. You need to follow Saving desktop
positions (chapter 5.4) again to reset these memory positions.
1. Press and hold button
, then press
and hold for about 6
Letter “
” is indicated on the screen. That means
the table is unlocked and can be moved within full range.
1. Press and hold or until the required desktop height is
reached, then release.
Move the desktop to the position you
want the table surface to be.
2. Press and hold button
, then press and hold
, keep for
about 6 seconds.
Letter “
” is indicated on the screen. That
means the position is locked at the highest position that the
table can be moved to.
5.7.2 Window stop
The desktop cannot be moved above the locked position.
Memory positions above the locked position will be lost even
after the table is unlocked. You need to follow Saving desktop
positions (chapter 5.4) again to reset these memory positions.
5.9 Set the sensitivity of the position detection sensor
1. Press and hold button
for about 6 seconds. „- - -“ starts
flashing on the display.
2. Press button
The display „G - 2“ or the last setting starts
flashing on the display and shows the currently set sensiti-
vity (example: level 2).
3. Press or to change or to deactivate the sensitivity.
Press button
Process completed.
After each re-initialization or in case of a power failure
lasting more than 96 hours, the sensitivity of the position
detection sensor is reset to level 2 and all saved settings
are deleted.
The sensitivity can be adjusted in four stages:
„G - 0“: position detection sensor is deactivated
„G - 1“: lowest level
„G - 2“: middle level
„G - 3“: high level
„G - 3“: highest level