Key features
Up to 127 sets of positional and zoom level information can be stored as
presets. These can be called manually by the operator, automatically by an
alarm input, or grouped to form a sequence of actions to run automatically.
Each preset supports titles of up to 10 characters and can also be
programmed to activate the alarm output. Additionally, White Balance and
Auto Exposure settings can be defined for each preset position if desired.
Pattern tours
Any dome movement can be recorded - and subsequently played back - as
a pattern tour which can be played back individually or grouped to form a
sequence of tours. Up to 4 pattern tours of around 5 minutes each can be
Variable Speed Tracking (VST) between 2 presets
A VST is a useful feature when, for example, the operator wishes to ‘patrol’
a perimeter fence. If one preset is defined at one end of the fence and a
second preset is defined at the other, the VST will smoothly and accurately
move from one end to the other and then back again in a repeating
sequence. Speed can be adjusted and up to 8 VST functions can be
Group function
The group function is a powerful feature which allows the operator to define
a sequence of speed dome actions to form an automatic patrol sequence.
Actions can be a mix of preset positions, pattern tours and VST functions.
Up to 8 groups can be defined and each group can have up to 20 actions
which repeat indefinitely until interrupted by the operator or an alarm input.
Specific parameters such as preset speed, dwell time and action loop can
also be specified.
Park function
The speed dome can be configured to run a specified VST function, pattern
tour, group or preset after a defined period of inactivity.
Privacy zones
By defining a privacy zone, sensitive scenes such as windows can be
masked off so they cannot be viewed by the operator. Up to 4 privacy
zones can be defined. Privacy zone size adjusts automatically depending
on the speed dome zoom level.
Alarm inputs and outputs
This speed dome has 2 alarm inputs and 1 alarm output. Any alarm input
can be set to call a predefined preset, VST function, pattern or group. Any
preset can be configured to activate the relay output. For example, a PIR
detector connected to alarm input 1 could call preset 7 to view that
particular scene whilst activating an external lamp connected to the relay.
On Screen Display (OSD)
The operator can choose if any or all of the following information is
displayed on screen during normal speed dome operation.
- Preset status and title
- Speed dome position coordinates and zoom level
- Alarm I/O status
- Time and Date
- Speed dome ID
- Speed dome operating temperature
The speed dome also has a full on screen setup menu allowing quick and
easy configuration of all the speed dome features.
Scheduling function
The speed dome can be configured to run a specified VST function, pattern
tour, group or preset at a certain time either on a weekend, a specific day or
daily. Up to 8 scheduled actions can be defined.
Preset freeze
With preset freeze enabled, the speed dome image will freeze during a call
to preset in order to conserve DVR disk usage.