Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.2.2
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Release Notes
Version 6.0.1 Functionality Enhancements
This release added the following features:
Management Port
This release supports a dedicated management port. The administrative WEB GUI has been
enhanced to configure management port settings. Management traffic flows over a separate
routing table from the accelerated data traffic. The Administrative Web GUI can now optionally run
over HTTP/S.
Trunked VLAN Support
FX Series supports a trunked network, where multiple 802.1Q tagged VLANs flow thru the same
physical connection. To accomplish this, many aspects of the FX Series Remote FX Series ADC data
interception and acceleration was modified to retain the VLAN properties. Any accelerated data is
transmitted over the network on the same VLAN as the original, non-accelerated data.
. FX Series Release 6.0.1 provides:
Support for 1024 active VLANs for IDs 2-4095.
Support Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) environments.
Support display of tallies on a per-VLAN basis at ADC only (not Remote).
Accelerated VLAN traffic will maintain original VLAN affinity.
Private HTTP caches on a per VLAN basis
Cached HTTP data will be segregated between VLANs.
VLAN addition and deletion configuration changes can be made without service loss or downtime. A
restart is not required for the changes to take effect.
FX Series Release 6.0.1 provided:
Ability to communicate between appliances using the same port as the original client connection.
Ability to communicate between appliances using the original client source addresses.
Ability to support active-active ADC configurations.
Ability to optionally disable multiplexing of client connections.
Dynamic ACM QoS
Special support was added to FX Series Release 6.0.1 ADC to continuously acquire the data rate of a
modem via SNMP connection. When the data rate changes the QoS rules are dynamically adjusted.
New fields were added to the Dynamic ACM page to configure the IP address of the modem, and
user name and password.
FaST Code Support
In prior releases, a “license” file was uploaded to the FX to enable functionality.
In FX Series Release 6.0.1 and above, this methodology is now superseded by FAST Codes.
The FX Series CLI and Administrative Web GUI have been enhanced to allow Fast code upgrades.