Technical Description
The circuit diagram below shows the MR-16 schematic. Eighteen LEDs are connected in series with three LEDs in
each group. Either 5mm (RLED1 – RLED6, GLED1 – GLED6, BLED1 – BLED6) or piranha (4-pin) LEDs (LED1 –
LED18) can be populated on the board. Current is limited to 20mA by the series resistors (R1 – R6) for each set of
LEDs. Jumpers (J1 – J4) enable different options as summarized below:
J U M P E R ( S )
Installed for normal Red LED operation where LEDs
are connected in two separate series groups.
Installed for series-connected Red LEDs where all red
LEDs are connected in one string. Neither J3 nor R6
be installed in this configuration.
J1, J2
Installed for a single-colour LED populated in all
positions. These jumpers tie together all the LED
series to be grounded from one point — either R, G,
or B.
RGB MR-16 Circuit Schematic.
Normal polarity of the LEDs, as shown in the schematic, provides a common positive supply point at C and ground-
ing points for each of the colours red (R), green (G), and blue (B). If this circuit is to be driven by a controller with a
common ground, simply reverse all the LEDs during assembly. In that case, the ground connection will be at C and
the positive supply at each of R, G, and B. Note: The RGBW Controller we provide requires the default LED assem-
bly with a common positive supply.
C o m p u t e r I n s p i r a t i o n s
A s s e m b l y & Te c h n i c a l M a n u a l