Composite-ARF Spitfire
Horizontal Stab Installation continued
Slide the stab back into position and
recheck all measurements, then tape
into position. A small fillet of glue on
the inside of the fuse is
recommended for a stronger bond.
We use a small syringe with a piece
of brass tubing attached to apply
glue to the inside of the fuse.
Control surface/servo installation
Before we install the control
surfaces, we need to install the tail
servo tray. The servo tray is
installed right behind the rear wing
mount support, about 4”(101mm)
down from the rear wing saddle.
Scuff the contact area of the fuse
and the edge of the mount. Spot
tack in place with CA, then glue in
place with a bead of reinforced
epoxy. After the glue cures, install
the servos as shown in the photo.
Note that the elevator servo is
installed from the bottom to allow
room for the rudder servo arm to
clear. We now need to construct the
elevator push rod. The push rod is
made up from a one meter long
carbon rod included in your kit. You
may need to cut the rod to length so
test fit it before you proceed. Start
by drilling a 3mm hole in the carbon
rod about 5/8” from the end. Drill slowly as not to crack the rod.