invalid calibration data in EEPROM
Loading values for devNum [0] from eep file ar5006xs_mb62ag.eep
Operating in 11a at channel 5.220GHz
Devlib Revision 5.2 BUILD #58 Mainline
Devices detected:
PCI deviceID : 0xff16
Sub systemID : 0xffff
MAC revisionID: 0xa5
BB revisionID: 0x61
RF productID : 0x6
RF revisionID: 0x3
Using defaults from //depot/sw/branches/ART_525/bringup/ar5k/config/eagle2_0.cfg#1
Base Addr: 0xFFEE0000 Interrupt: 17
Reading in Calibration Setup from calsetup.txt
Reading in Target Powers and CTL Info from calTrgtPwr_ar5006xs_mb62ag.txt
Plug in DUT (Device Under Test)
Press any key to start or <ESC> to quit
Waiting for other test set to finish
Setting up Power Meter
Setting up Spectrum Analyzer
Setting up Attenuator
using cal fixed gain for mode 11a from calsetup.txt ... FG6
using cal fixed gain for mode 11b from calsetup.txt ... FG6
using cal fixed gain for mode 11g from calsetup.txt ... FG6
Manufacturing Test start ...
Collecting raw data for the adapter for mode 11a
ch: 5180 --> max pwr is 22.70 dBm
ch: 5320 --> max pwr is 24.10 dBm
ch: 5600 --> max pwr is 22.37 dBm
ch: 5745 --> max pwr is 21.17 dBm
ch: 5825 --> max pwr is 20.01 dBm
Collecting raw data for the adapter for mode 11g
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