Compex MRL21E Скачать руководство пользователя страница 16

Chapter 4


Let’s Get Going-Software Setup





Part 1(b): Configuring your PC to Dynamically obtain an IP 



If you are  using Mic rosoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP 






Clic k the  


 b utto n. Se le c t 


 a nd  c lic k the  



 ic o n. The n d o ub le -c lic k 


Network and Dial-up 


 (Wind o ws 2000) o r 

Network Connection

 (Wind o ws 

XP) ic o n. 




Do ub le -c lic k the  

Local Area 


 ic o n fo r the  Ethe rne t 

a d a p te r a p p lic a b le  to  yo ur 

Inte rne t c o nne c tio n, a nd  c lic k 



 b utto n. Yo u will 

b e  b ro ug ht to  the  d ia lo g  p a g e  

b e lo w. 









On the  


 ta b , ma ke  sure  the  

b o x ne xt to  

Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP)


c he c ke d . The n hig hlig ht 


Protocol (TCP/ IP)

, a nd  c lic k the  


 b utto n. 

All manuals and user guides at

Содержание MRL21E

Страница 1: ...www sotmarket ru Compex MRL21E 8 800 775 98 98 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m...

Страница 2: ...All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Страница 3: r permissio n o f Co mpex Inc is pro hibited exc ept as allo wed underthe c opyright laws Manual Revision by Daniel Manual Number U 0493 V1 2C Versio n 1 12 April 2007 Disclaimer Compex Inc provide...

Страница 4: ...ring and using Compex MRL21E It also gives an overview of the key applic ations and the networking c o nc epts with respec t to the pro duc t T his do c umentatio n is fo r bo th Netwo rk Administrato...

Страница 5: ...T his symbo l signifies an impo rtant no tic e to be heeded T he user is advised to read the instruc tio ns c arefully before pro c eeding further T his symbo l represents a sec tio n meant for advan...

Страница 6: the Configuratio n Guide 19 4 2 2 Se le c ting RFC1483 Bridging forConne c tio n T ype 20 4 2 3 Se le c ting PPPoEorPPPoA forConne c tio n T ype 21 4 2 4 Se le c ting MERorIPoA forConne c tio n T y...

Страница 7: ...t Gate way 49 5 8 2 Se tting up a Static Route 50 5 8 3 Configuring RIP 52 5 9 USING DSL 53 5 9 1 Configuring DSL 53 5 10 USING DNS 55 5 10 1 Configuring DNSSe rve r 55 5 10 2 Configuring Dynamic DNS...

Страница 8: ...g 71 CHAPT ER 8 NET WORKMANAGEMENTINFORMAT ION 72 8 1 DEVICEINFO SUMMARY 72 8 2 DEVICEINFO WAN 74 8 3 DEVICEINFORMAT ION 76 8 3 1 De vic e Info Statistic s LAN 76 8 3 2 De vic e Info Statistic s WAN 7...

Страница 9: ...the phone line to transmit high speed data without affec ting the voic e transmissio n T his means that yo u c an make a pho ne c all and ac c ess the Internet at the same time T he frequenc y o f th...

Страница 10: ...set T o maximize the po tential of your purc hase we have highlighted a list of features to help you get familiarized with it Complianc e with ANSI T 1 413 ISSUE 2 IT U G 992 1 G DMT IT U G 992 2 G L...

Страница 11: ...ed on a desktop T he LED indic ators deno ting netwo rk status and ac tivity are situated on the front edge o f the mo dem fo reasy visibility NOT ICE Ac tual produc t appearanc e may slightly differ...

Страница 12: ...F lashing YE L L OW T he modem is in the handshaking status Off Internet c o nnec tio n is no t established DAT A LED Steady GR E E N Connec ted to the PC F ast F lashing GR E E N T ransmitting orrec...

Страница 13: ...o rt of the splitter with the RJ 11 po rt the pho ne jac k o n the wall Use the o ther telephone c ord to c onnec t the ADSLport of the splitter with the L INEport of the Compex MRL21E Use ano ther te...

Страница 14: sure the PC gets an IP address that it will use to c ommunic ate with the mo dem ro uter and with o ther PCs ac ross the network You c an begin by setting up your PC to func tio n as a DHCP c lient...

Страница 15: ...c orrespo nding to your Ethernet adapter and c lic k on the Properties butto n Yo u will be brought to the T CP IP Properties page belo w 3 Clic k on the IP Address tab and selec t Obtain an IP addre...

Страница 16: ...on Windows 2000 or Network Connection Windo ws XP ic o n 2 Double c lic k the L ocal Area Connection ic o n forthe Ethernet adapter applic able to yo ur Internet c o nnec tio n and c lic k the Propert...

Страница 17: Going Software Setup 9 4 Selec t Obtain an IP address automatically T hen c lic k the OK button o n this page and the OK button on the previo us page it returns yo u to All manuals and user guides...

Страница 18: ...Address tab T hen type in an IP address and Subnet Mask o f 192 168 1 X and 255 255 255 0 respec tively where X is any numberfro m 2 to 254 Note that the de fault IP addre ss of the Co mpe x MRL21Eis...

Страница 19: ...ess c o nfiguration follo w steps 1 2 3 o f Part 1 b to get to the page on the right 2 Selec t Use the following IP address and then key in 192 168 1 X fo r the IP address field where X is any number...

Страница 20: ...set up yo u will find information on ho w you may c onfigure the Compex MRL21Eto func tion in yournetwork to ac c ess the Internet and begin sharing the c onnec tio n with your wired and wireless c l...

Страница 21: you will see the basic web based c onfiguration menu belo w You c an double c lic k the hyperlinks on the left side o f the web based c o nfiguratio n menu to ac c ess the features belo w All manua...

Страница 22: sho wn o n the right side o f the bro wser provides you a quic k overview o f the netwo rk settings T his is a useful summary of the operating parameters you have applied to the router T he Device...

Страница 23: ...provides with you a quic k overview o f the DSLStatus of the router T he DSLStatus page reveals the DSLinformation of Compex MRL21E WAN Clic king on the WAN hyperlink the Wide Area Network WAN Setup p...

Страница 24: ...g on the L AN hyperlink the L AN Setup page allo ws you to c onfigure o ther LAN parameters Password Clic king on the Password hyperlink the Password page allo ws you to c hange your passwords forbett...

Страница 25: ...erlink the page o n the right serves an important func tion so that c hanges made to the settings bec o me effec tive Clic king Save Rebo o t do es this T he R estore Default Settings feature built in...

Страница 26: ...For the bridge mode there is no need to c onfigure more parameters Ho wever the third party dial up software is needed forc onnec tion with the Internet Compex MRL21E supports 5 protoc ols PPPoA PPPo...

Страница 27: ...o set up a c onnec tion with your Internet ac c ount settings selec t any of the existing 4 c o nnec tio ns and c lic k o n E dit 2 T o edit the selec ted c onnec tion c lic k on the c orresponding E...

Страница 28: mode and the E ncapsulation Mode T o pro c eed c lic k Next 2 Spec ify the Service Name and selec t the E nable Service T hen c lic k Next to proc eed with the WAN c onfiguration 3 If you need to m...

Страница 29: ...example belo w 1 In the Connection T ype page c lic k the radio button next to PPP over E thernet PPPoE and selec t the E ncapsulation Mode rec ommended by yo urISP T hen c lic k Next 2 T he PPP User...

Страница 30: ...o nline Inactivity T imeout If Dial o n demand is selec ted this input box appears to let yo u enter the maximum idle time after whic h the c onnec tio n will deac tivate in the absenc e of traffic If...

Страница 31: ...e is displayed Enter the required parameters a Selec t Obtain an IP address automatically if your ISP automatic ally assigns your IP address If not selec t Use the following IP address to enter the WA...

Страница 32: ...addresses o f the Primary DNS server and of the Secondary DNS server provided by yo ur ISP 4 Onc e the c onfiguration is finished c lic k Nextto proc eed 5 Spec ify the Service Name and selec t the E...

Страница 33: ...T he user c an c o nfigure these addresses through the LAN c o nfiguratio n as sho wn below 4 3 1 Configuring IPAddress 1 Clic k L AN on the left side of the bro wser T he L AN Setup page will appear...

Страница 34: ...2 Enter the range of IP addresses that c an be assigned by the DHCP server in the Start IP Address and E nd IP Address fields For example fro m 10 10 10 11 to 10 10 10 254 3 Next enter the number of...

Страница 35: ...and the password to password T he username remains unc hanged 4 4 1 Configuring Password 1 Clic k the Password hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser Under the Password page enter the old password...

Страница 36: ...o nfigurable settings available within the web based administratio n menu No te that we will illustrate using the default settings o f the Co mpex MRL21E 5 1 1 Advanced Setup Open the bro wser and key...

Страница 37: ...b based c o nfiguratio n menu page belo w Ho wever if yo u have set PPPo Eas the WAN c onnec tion type and enabled NAT you will see that a different c o nfiguratio n menu page appears with NAT and its...

Страница 38: ...wser to selec t Virtual Servers T hen the NAT Virtual Servers Setup page sho ws up 2 T o set up a new virtual server c lic k Add In the NAT Virtual Servers page you c an set up a Virtual Server for a...

Страница 39: whether you are using T CP orUDP pro toc ol type InternalPort Start and InternalPort E nd Key in the relevant value s if the external po rt range o f po rts needs to be c onverted to a different po...

Страница 40: ...ured 5 3 1 Setting up PortT riggering 1 Clic k the NAT hyperlink on the left side o f the bro wser to selec t Port T riggering T hen the NAT Port T riggering Setup page sho ws up 2 T o set up a new po...

Страница 41: ...the inc oming c onnec tions in reply to the trigger Open Protocol Define the pro to c ol type for the open port 3 T hen c lic k Save Apply to save your c hanges 4 T his R emove button is used to dele...

Страница 42: ...e bro wser to selec t DMZ Host T hen the NAT DMZ Host Setup page sho ws up displaying the blank DMZHost IPAddress 2 Enter the LAN IP address of the PC you wish to set as DMZhost 3 Clic k Save Apply If...

Страница 43: ...traffic from WAN is bloc ked exc ept fo r responses to requests from the LAN Ho wever some inc oming traffic from the Internet c an be ac c epted by setting up Incoming IPF iltering rules 5 5 1 Config...

Страница 44: ...c o nnec tio n should be bloc ked Destination Port Enter the destination po rt number used by the applic ation to bloc k 3 Clic k Save Apply to save this rule T he ne w rule will then be displayed in...

Страница 45: ...IP protoc ol to allo w Source Address Mask Enter the IP address of the remo te server from whic h to allow c onnec tio n Source Port Enter the po rt number used by the applic ation to allo w Destinati...

Страница 46: ...he list are allo wed to ac c ess to the network or no t by c lic king on the Change Policy butto n and selec ting BL OCKE D or F OR WAR DE D respec tively 5 6 1 Configuring a MAC F iltering R ule 1 Cl...

Страница 47: the Apple hardware AppleT alk po rts c o mmunic ate with o ther netwo rk media suc h as Ethernet by the use of Lo c alT alk to Ethernet bridges o r by Ethernet add in boards for Apple mac hines Man...

Страница 48: ...e selec ted Ac c ess Conc entratorhave the info rmation they will use to build their point to po int c onnec tio n over Ethernet T he Disc overy stage remains stateless until a PPP sessio n is establi...

Страница 49: ...rnet An Internet Servic e Provider ISP c an obtain bloc ks of network addresses from the InterNIC and c an itself assign address spac e as nec essary T he host number identifies a host on a netwo rk a...

Страница 50: ...bits to 128 bits to suppo rt mo re levels o f addressing hierarc hy a muc h greater number of addressable nodes and simpler auto c o nfiguration o f addresses IPv6 addresses are expressed in hexadec i...

Страница 51: ...similar to IP Interne t Protoc ol in the T CP IP suite Higher level protoc ols suc h as SPX and NCP are used fo r additional error rec overy servic es T o make best path ro uting dec isio ns IPX uses...

Страница 52: ...ike NetBIOS it do es no t suppo rt the ro uting o f messages to o ther networks its interfac e must be adapted to o ther pro toc ols suc h as Internetwork Pac ket Exc hange or T CP IP A rec o mmended...

Страница 53: whic h ac ts as a rec eiver if any Source MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the sourc e c omputer whic h ac ts as the transmitting devic e if any F rame Direction Selec t the frame direc tion af...

Страница 54: ...earin the table list 4 T o remove the filter rule c lic k the R emove c hec kbox next to the selec ted rule in the table list T hen c lic k R emove T he filter rule will be deleted fro m the table lis...

Страница 55: ...t ac c ess only during c ertain days orat c ertain times 5 7 1 Setting up a Parental Control R ule 1 Clic k the Security hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to selec t Parental Control T hen th...

Страница 56: ...k Click to select T his feature allo ws yo u to selec t o ne o r more days o n whic h yourrule should apply Start Blocking T ime and E nd Blocking T ime T he start and end bloc king times give parents...

Страница 57: ...of the bro wser to selec t Default Gateway T hen the R outing Default Gateway page sho ws up displaying the E nable Automatic Assigned DefaultGateway c hec kbox that is tic ked by default 2 If yo u do...

Страница 58: ...ansmitting paths 5 8 2 Setting up a Static R oute 1 Clic k the R outing hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to selec t Static R oute T hen the R outing Static R oute page sho ws up 2 T o c reat...

Страница 59: ...wish to use a spec ific gate way to reac h the destinatio n netwo rk selec t this c hec kbo x and then enterthe IP address of the gateway Use Interface If you wish to use a partic ular WAN interfac e...

Страница 60: ...abled T ic k its c orrespo nding E nabled c hec kbox If you want the Co mpex MRL21Eto transmit and rec eive informatio n with otherrouters selec t Active In Passive mo de the Compex MRL21E will only r...

Страница 61: ...wser T hen the DSL Settings page sho ws up 2 T o c onfigure the test mode c lic k Advanced Settings T he DSL Advanced Settings page sho ws up Note T hese tones allow your ISP to perform DSL line testi...

Страница 62: ...tion T he ADSL T one Settings page displays upstream and do wnstream tones that you c an c hoose to c lear or selec t T hen c lic k Apply to effec t the new tone settings Otherwise c lic k Close to ab...

Страница 63: ...ers If one DNS server does not know ho w to translate a partic ular domain name it asks ano ther o ne and so o n until the c orrec t IP address is returned 5 10 1 Configuring DNSServer 1 UnderDNS c li...

Страница 64: ...belo w 5 10 2 Configuring Dynamic DNS 1 Under DNS c lic k the Dynamic DNS hyperlink on the left side o f the bro wser T hen the Dynamic DNSpage sho ws up 2 T o c o nfigure a new Dynamic DNS c lic k Ad...

Страница 65: ...Configuring WAN 1 Clic k the WAN hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the Wide Area Network WAN Setup page sho ws up 2 T o edit the required parameters c lic k E dit next to the selec ted...

Страница 66: ...yourloc al network T esting the c onnec tio n to yourDSLservic e provider 6 1 PE R F OR MING DIAGNOST IC T E ST 1 Clic k the Diagnostics hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to run tests on the...

Страница 67: ...urrent settings from a previously saved c onfiguration file erase the c urrent settings and restore the default fac tory values 7 1 1 Settings Backup 1 Under Management c lic k the Settings hyperlink...

Страница 68: ...o wser to selec t Update T hen you c an see the T ools Update Settings page appear 2 T o impo rt a previo usly saved c onfiguratio n file from your PC and update the settings of your modem router c li...

Страница 69: ...fault Settings page appear 2 T o restore your modem router to its fac tory default settings c lic k R estore Default Settings Whe n prompted c lic k OK T ake no te that all the c o nfiguratio n you ha...

Страница 70: ...forviewing 7 2 1 System L og View System L og 1 Under Management c lic k the System L og hyperlink on the left side of the browser to selec t View System L og T hen the System L og page sho ws up 2 Sc...

Страница 71: ...nfiguration page sho ws up 2 If yo u wish to disable the System Vie w Lo g selec t Disable When you set the log to E nable spec ify the L og L evel Display L evel and Mode fields 3 T o effec t the set...

Страница 72: ...resses and passwo rds 7 3 1 Access Control Services 1 UnderManagement c lic k the Access Control hyperlink o n the left side o f the bro wser to selec t Services T hen the Access Control Services page...

Страница 73: ...IP address selec t E nable next to the Access Control Mode radio button Clic k Add 3 Key in the IP address o f the PC from whic h a user will be allo wed to ac c ess the web c onfiguration menu 4 Clic...

Страница 74: ...ess Control Passwords 1 UnderManagement c lic k the Access Control hyperlink o n the left side o f the bro wser to selec t Passwords T hen the Access Control Passwords page sho ws up 2 T o c hange the...

Страница 75: ...4 1 InternetT ime T ime Setting 1 Under Management c lic k the Internet T ime hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to display the T ime setting page T he c hec kbox next to Automatically synchr...

Страница 76: ...4 Next selec t Second NT P time server 5 In order to loc alize the time for your log entries you must spec ify yo ur time zone Selec t yourtime zo ne offset 6 Clic k Save Apply to save yoursettings Al...

Страница 77: 69 Note Sync hronizing the Compex MRL21E to your loc al time zone is useful for the bloc king sc hedule to func tion properly and for ac c urately time stamping the log entries All manuals and us...

Страница 78: ...5 1 Update Software 1 Under Management c lic k the Update Software hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the T ools Update Software page sho ws up 2 Clic k Browse to loc ate the software fi...

Страница 79: ...c learproblems with the modem router s network c onnec tio n 7 6 1 Save R eboot R ebooting 1 Under Management c lic k the Save R eboot hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the c orrespond...

Страница 80: ...ariety of status and usage devic e informatio n that is disc ussed below 8 1 DE VICEINF O SUMMAR Y 1 Under Device Info c lic k the Summary hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the Device I...

Страница 81: ...ware versio n Bootloader CF E Version T his field displays the bo o tloaderversio n L AN IPAddress T his field displays the IP address being used by the loc al LAN po rt of the Compex MRL21Eon the loc...

Страница 82: ...n 74 8 2 DE VICEINF O WAN 1 Under Device Info c lic k the WAN hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the WAN Info page sho ws up 2 T he WAN Info page sho ws the follo wing parameters All man...

Страница 83: e used Protocol T his field displays the WAN c o nnec tio n pro to c o l Igmp T his feature allo ws Internet ho sts to partic ipate in multic asting If you are using PPPoE PPPoA and have selec ted...

Страница 84: ...llowing LAN traffic WAN traffic AT M statistic s ADSLstatistic s Ro uting table entries ARP table entries 8 3 1 DE VICEINF O ST AT IST ICS L AN Under Device Info c lic k the Statistics hyperlink on th...

Страница 85: ...formation 77 8 3 2 Device Info Statistics WAN Under Device Info c lic k the Statistics hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to selec t WAN T hen the Statistics WAN page sho ws up All manuals and...

Страница 86: ...8 3 3 Device Info Statistics AT M Under Device Info c lic k the Statistics hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to selec t AT M T hen the Statistics AT M page sho ws up All manuals and user guid...

Страница 87: ...atistics hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser to selec t ADSL T hen the Statistics ADSL page sho ws up Please take no te that the page sho ws no thing bec ause the mo dem ro uter is no t yet c o...

Страница 88: ...anagement Information 80 8 4 DE VICEINF O R OUT E Under Device Info c lic k the R oute hyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the Device Info R oute page sho ws up All manuals and user guide...

Страница 89: ...k Management Information 81 8 5 DE VICEINF O AR P Under Device Info c lic k the AR Phyperlink on the left side of the bro wser T hen the Device Info R oute page sho ws up All manuals and user guides a...

Страница 90: ...if it is flashing If no fast flashing is o bserved within 3 minutes please c hec k whether the phone line has been c o rrec tly plac ed and whether the ADSLsplitter is c o rrec tly c o nnec ted If mul...

Страница 91: tion 4 1 1 fo rmo re details 3 T ry to run c ommand ping 192 168 1 1 in the c ommand line windo w If the respo nse returns time o ut please c hec k yo ur c able c o nnec tio n and IP settings 4 If...

Страница 92: ...Chec k whether you have set up the c orrec t WAN c onnec tio n type the following information should be provided by yo ur ISP VPIand VCI username and password iii T hen make sure that using NAT and de...

Страница 93: ...RFC 1577 Classic al IP and ARP overAT M AT M Support AT M AAL5 UBR CBR Multiple PVC c omplies with AT M Forum UNI3 1 4 0 OAM F4 F5 c o mplies with I 610 VPI VCIrange 0 255 0 65536 Network Access IP ro...

Страница 94: ...weron oroff indic ation LINK ADSLlinked orlinking PC Ethernet c o nnec tion DAT A Ethernet data transfer Interface LAN RJ 45 port for 10Base T 100Base T X Ethernet c o nnec tio n WAN RJ 11 port forAD...

Страница 95: ...Appendix Technical Specifications 87 Physical Dimension 150x 140 x 31 mm medium c asing 128 x110 x32 small c asing Weight 220 g 180g All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Страница 96: ...2 Compex MRL21E All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m...
