Chapter 6 - Basic Configuration Guide
Required for IP Unnumbered Interface
IP unnumbered interface
Point-to-Point Frame Relay
Local DLCI
CV: Use the TCP/IP Routing: WAN Dialog Box.
Use the configure command and the Numbered, PointToPoint-
Frame, and InterfaceDLCI keywords in the IP WAN 0 (and/or
any other port you wish to configure) section.
Suggested for IP
These parameters help supply information about the segment to which
the interface is connected. With this information, routing can take
Set IP RIP 1, IP RIP 2, or OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
Set IP static routes
CV: Use the TCP/IP Routing: WAN Dialog Box to set RIP, and the IP
Static Routing Dialog Box (under Global/IP Static Routes) to set
static routes. To set parameters for OSPF, refer to the Compati-
View Management Software Reference Guide.
Use configure and set either the RIPVersion keyword or the
OSPFEnabled keyword in the IP WAN 0 (and/or WAN 1)
section. Add static routes and a default router using the edit
config IP Static command.
IPX Protocol
Required for IPX
Frame Relay operation requires that the WAN interface is set to be a
“numbered interface.” This means that the interface (and thus the
Frame Relay network) must have an IPX network number.
IPX numbered interface
IPX Network Number
CV: Use the IPX Routing: WAN Dialog Box.
TB: Use configure and set the Numbered and Net keywords in the
IPX WAN 0 (and/or WAN 1) section.
Suggested for IPX
The settings above are all that is generally required for IPX operation
over Frame Relay.