HP Compaq 6005 Pro, MT
page 4
Common POST Error Messages
Screen Message
Recommended Action
101-Option ROM Error 1. System ROM checksum.
2. Expansion board option
ROM checksum.
1. Verify ROM, reflash if required
2. If expansion board recently added,
remove to see if problem remains.
3. Clear CMOS.
4. If message disappears, may be
problem with expansion card.
5. Replace system board.
103-System Board
DMA or timers
1. Clear CMOS.
2. Remove expansion boards.
3. Replace the system board.
162-System Options
Not Set
Configuration incorrect.
RTC battery may need to be
Run Computer Setup and check con-
figuration in
Advanced > Onboard
. Reset date and time in Con-
trol Panel. If problem persists,
replace RTC battery.
163-Time & Date Not
Invalid time or date in con-
figuration memory.
RTC battery may need to be
- or -
CMOS jumper may not be
properly installed.
Reset the date and time under Con-
trol Panel (Computer Setup can also
be used). If the problem persists,
replace the RTC battery.
- or -
Check for proper placement of the
CMOS jumper.
164-Memory Size
Memory amount has
changed since the last
boot (memory added or
- or -
Incorrect memory configu-
Press F1 to save memory changes.
1. Run Setup (F10).
2. Make sure the memory module(s)
are installed properly.
3. If 3rd party memory added, test
using HP-only memory.
4. Verify proper memory type.
201-Memory Error
RAM failure.
1. Ensure memory modules are
correctly installed.
2. Verify proper memory type.
3. Remove and replace the identified
faulty memory module(s).
4. If the error persists after replacing
modules, replace system board.
Memory Module in
Memory Socket(s) X,
X, ...
A memory module in mem-
ory socket identified in error
message missing critical
SPD information, or incom-
patible with the chipset.
1. Verify proper memory type.
2. Try another memory socket.
3. Replace DIMM with a module
conforming to the SPD standard.
214-DIMM Configura-
tion Warning
Populated DIMM configura-
tion is not optimized.
Rearrange DIMMs so each channel
has the same amount of memory.
215-DIMM Configura-
tion Warning
Populated DIMM configura-
tion is not optimized.
Remove power from the system and
reinstall memory modules. On AMD
systems, populate modules starting
with slot XMM4, then XMM3,
XMM2, XMM1. On Intel systems,
populate modules starting with slot
DIMM1, then DIMM3, DIMM2,
219-ECC Memory
Module Detected ECC
Modules not supported
on this Platform
Recently added memory
module(s) support ECC
memory error correction.
1. If additional memory was recently
added, remove it to see if the
problem remains.
2. Check product documentation for
memory support information.
301, 304-Keyboard
Keyboard failure or System
Unit Error
1. Reconnect keyboard with
computer turned off.
2. Check connector for bent or
missing pins.
3. Ensure no keys are depressed.
4. Replace keyboard.
5. If 304 possible system board issue
501-Display Adapter
Graphics display controller.
1. Reseat graphics card.
2. Clear CMOS.
3. Check monitor connection.
4. Replace graphics card if possible
510-Flash Screen
Image Corrupted
Flash Screen image has
Reflash the system ROM with the
latest BIOS image.
511-CPU Fan not
CPU fan is not connected or
may have malfunctioned.
1. Reseat CPU fan.
2. Reseat fan cable.
3. Replace CPU fan.
512-Rear Chassis Fan
not Detected
Rear chassis fan is not con-
nected or may have mal-
1. Reseat rear chassis fan.
2. Reseat fan cable.
3. Replace rear chassis fan.
605-Diskette Drive
Type Error
Mismatch in drive type.
1. Disconnect any other diskette
controller devices (tape drives).
2. Clear CMOS.
917-Front Audio Not
Front audio harness has
been detached or unseated
from motherboard.
Reconnect or replace front audio
921-Device in PCI
Express slot failed to
There is an incompatibility/
problem with this device and
the system or PCI Express
Link could not be retrained
to an x1.
Try rebooting the system. If the error
reoccurs, the device may not work
with this system
Common POST Error Messages (continued)
Screen Message
Recommended Action
1720-SMART Hard
Drive Detects Immi-
nent Failure
Hard drive is about to fail.
(Some hard drives have a
hard drive firmware patch
that will fix an erroneous
error message.)
1. Determine if hard drive is giving
correct error message. Enter
Computer Setup and run the Drive
Protection System test under
Storage > DPS Self-test
2. Apply hard drive firmware patch
if applicable.
3. Back up contents and replace hard
1796-SATA Cabling
One or more SATA devices
are improperly attached. For
optimal performance, the
SATA 0 and SATA 1 con-
nectors must be used before
SATA 2 and SATA 3.
Ensure SATA connectors are used in
ascending order. For one device, use
SATA 0. For two devices, use SATA
0 and SATA 1. For three devices, use
SATA 0, SATA1, and SATA 4.
1797-SATA Drivelock
is not supported in
RAID mode.
Drivelock is enabled on one
or more SATA hard drives,
and they cannot be accessed
while the system is config-
ured for RAID mode.
Either remove the Drivelocked
SATA device or disable the Drive-
lock feature. To disable the Drive-
lock feature, enter Computer Setup,
Storage > Storage Options
> SATA Emulation
to ID
, and
File > Save Changes and
Re-enter Computer Setup and
Security > Drivelock Secu-
. For each listed Drivelock-capa-
ble SATA device, ensure Drivelock
is Disabled. Lastly, change
> Storage Options > SATA Emula-
back to
and select
File >
Save Changes and Exit
1801-Microcode Patch
Processor not supported by
1. Upgrade BIOS to proper version.
2. Change the processor.
2200-PMM Allocation
Error during MEBx
Memory error during POST
execution of the Manage-
ment Engine (ME) BIOS
Extensions option ROM.
1. Reboot the computer.
2. Unplug power cord, reseat
memory, reboot computer.
3. If memory configuration recently
changed, unplug computer, restore
original memory configuration,
and reboot computer.
4. If the error persists, replace the
system board.
2201-MEBx Module
did not checksum cor-
Memory error during POST
execution of the Manage-
ment Engine (ME) BIOS
Extensions option ROM.
1. Reboot the computer.
2. Unplug power cord, reseat
memory, reboot computer.
3. If memory configuration recently
changed, unplug computer, restore
original memory configuration,
and reboot computer.
4. If the error persists, replace the
system board.
2202-PMM Dealloca-
tion Error during
MEBx cleanup
Memory error during POST
execution of the Manage-
ment Engine (ME) BIOS
Extensions option ROM.
1. Reboot the computer.
2. Unplug power cord, reseat
memory, reboot computer.
3. If memory configuration recently
changed, unplug computer, restore
original memory configuration,
and reboot computer.
4. If the error persists, replace the
system board.
2203-Setup error dur-
ing MEBx execution
MEBx selection or exit
resulted in a setup failure.
1. Reboot the computer.
2. Unplug power cord, reseat
memory, reboot computer.
3. If memory configuration recently
changed, unplug computer, restore
original memory configuration,
and reboot computer.
4. If the error persists, replace the
system board.
2204-Inventory error
during MEBx execu-
BIOS information passed to
the MEBx resulted in a fail-
1. Reboot the computer.
2. If error persists, update to latest
BIOS version.
3. If the error still persists, replace
the system board.
2205-Interface error
during MEBx execu-
MEBx operation experi-
enced a hardware error dur-
ing communication with
1. Reboot the computer.
2. If error persists, update to latest
BIOS version.
3. If the error still persists, replace
the system board.
2211-Memory not con-
figured correctly for
proper MEBx execu-
DIMM1 is not installed.
Make sure there is a memory module
in the black DIMM1 socket and that
it is properly seated.
Invalid Electronic
Serial Number
Electronic serial number is
Enter the correct serial number in
Computer Setup.
Memory Parity Error
Parity RAM failure.
Third-party graphics card
may be causing a problem.
Run Computer Setup and Diagnostic
utilities. Remove 3rd party graphics
card to see if the problem goes away.
Network Server Mode
Active and No Key-
board Attached
Keyboard failure while Net-
work Server Mode enabled.
1. Reconnect keyboard with
computer turned off.
2. Check connector for bent or
missing pins.
3. Ensure that no keys are depressed.
4. Replace keyboard.
Parity Check 2
Parity RAM failure.
Third-party graphics card
may be causing a problem.
Run Computer Setup and Diagnostic
utilities. Remove 3rd party graphics
card to see if problem goes away.