Writer: M. Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 06/24/98 3:26 PM
Pages: 14 Words: 2536 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\working\comm.dot
File Name Ch1_en.doc Part Number 307716-002
On-Screen Display Settings
The adjustments for screen settings are located in the on-screen
display (OSD) and can be viewed in one of six available
languages. The on-screen Main Menu displays the following
seven functions:
Size and Position—Adjusts the horizontal and vertical size
and position of the screen.
Geometry—Adjusts the screen to the required pincushion,
tilt, or trapezoid viewing area.
Moiré—Minimizes interference patterns that occasionally
appear on the screen.
Degauss—Corrects image distortion or color impurity
caused by magnetic fields.
Language—Lists six languages available to display on-
screen menus.
Power Saver—Turns power saving features On/OFF.
Factory Reset—Resets the screen to its factory settings.
Individually Adjusted Modes
The following functions are individually adjustable for each
Horizontal Size and Position
Vertical Size and Position
Settings for Tilt, Moiré, Manual Degauss, and Language
Selection apply to all modes.