Part Number: 303512-001 - Writer: Marianne Silvetti - Saved by: Alyce Klingler
Saved date: 09/21/98 2:11 PM
File Name: Nicklaus
The Overscan and Degauss selections do not display
menus. When you select Overscan, the choices are to turn it on or off.
When you select Degauss, the monitor corrects color impurities on the
screen. Color impurities are usually caused by moving or rotating the
monitor. The monitor screen automatically degausses when the monitor
is turned on.
Programmable Sleep Timer
The Programmable Sleep Timer is an energy-saving feature that enables
you to set a time for the monitor to power on and off at the same time
every day. The Sleep Timer has five options:
Set Current Time
Set SLEEP Time
Set ON Time
To set the timer:
1. Press the Menu button on the monitor front panel to display the
Main Menu.
2. Scroll down and highlight Management.
3. Press the Menu button to select Management.
4. Scroll down, highlight and select Sleep Timer
Set Current
You must set the current local time before you reset the time
for SLEEP Time or ON Time.
5. Press the Menu button once to enter the adjustment mode for
6. Press the Minus or Plus buttons to adjust the hour.
7. Press the Menu button again to enter the time for minutes.
8. Press the Minus or Plus buttons to adjust the minutes.
9. Press the Menu button to lock in the time chosen.
10. After setting the current time, the highlight automatically skips to
Set SLEEP Time “hours.” Repeat steps 6 through 9 to set SLEEP