SuSE Setup Configurations
After the kernel modules are loaded, you should return to the main menu to begin the setup
configuration by choosing the Start Installation option.
IMPORTANT: At this point, you can determine if a network interface is present by pressing
left-alt-F2 to get to the second virtual console. At this command prompt, you should type the
following (no login is necessary):
# ifconfig eth0
If there is no such interface, a message to that effect will appear. If the interface is present, then
either no message will appear or a summary of eth0 will appear. If no message appears, then the
module is loaded but the NIC is not configured. If two different network card modules were
loaded or if multiple physical NICs are present that use the same device driver module, then you
can successively run ifconfig for eth1, eth2, eth3, and so forth.
The swap and disk setup comes next. SuSE includes a tool to assist you in configuring disk
and swap partitions.
IMPORTANT: The Compaq System Partition created during the SmartStart portion that
precedes Linux setup should not be deleted. This partition is a bootable partition that can be used
to configure new or changed hardware. Its partition identification is 0x12.
After disk and swap partitions are configured with the appropriate mount points and
formatting parameters, SuSE’s installation program will then format the disk partitions.
Proceed to the software selection menu. For a web server, the simplest choice is the Choose
Load Configuration option. Select the Network oriented system or the Default system. Both
include necessary support for Apache application. Once the appropriate system is chosen, you
should elect the Replace option to be certain that any previously loaded configuration is
dumped before loading the new one.
Note: Once this is complete, additional packages can be selected manually, if desired. YaST can
be used after the installation is completed to add additional software
After the software installation is complete, you should return to the main menu.
A kernel installation screen follows. The SCSI – Kernel NCR53c8xx kernel should be
chosen. One can choose either a 2.0 version, a 2.2 version, or a “hacker” version. The
particular choice is left up to the installer.
LILO configuration is next. SuSE will not configure the Compaq System Partition into LILO
during setup. Therefore, just the installed Linux partition should be set up at this point. The
next section documents how to set up the Compaq System Partition to be bootable through
At the end of the installation, SuSE allows for the configuration of a single eth network
interface. You should enter an appropriate IP address, netmask, and so forth and answer the
questions regarding autostart of inetd, nfs services, and the like according to your networking
requirements and policies.
Once this is complete, SuSE boots into Linux. Additional screens follow to allow for the
configuration of fonts, a root password, and a few other items, including mouse
configuration. Since Compaq servers use a PS/2 style mouse, this mouse should be chosen..