TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
Loop Back
Loop Back based on transmitting/receiving LBM/LBR PDU can be enabled/disabled.
Loop Back is automatically disabled when all 'To Send' LBM PDU has been transmitted -
waiting 5 sec. for all LBR from the end.
The DEI to be inserted as PCP bits in TAG (if any).
The priority to be inserted as PCP bits in TAG (if any).
Selection of LBM PDU transmitted unicast or multi-cast. The unicast MAC will be
configured through 'Peer MEP' or 'Unicast Peer MAC'. To-wards MIP only unicast Loop
Back is possible.
Peer MEP
This is only used if the 'Unicast MAC' is configured to all zero. The LBM unicast MAC will
be taken from the 'Unicast Peer MAC' configuration of this peer.
Unicast MAC
This is only used if NOT configured to all zero. This will be used as the LBM PDU unicast
MAC. This is the only way to configure Loop Back to-wards a MIP.
The Time-To-Live value to be used for the MPLS OAM LBM PDU. It is insignificant when
this MEP domain type is MPLS Link/Tunnel/PW/LSP. The allowed value is from 0 through
To Send
The number of LBM PDU to send in one loop test. The value 0 indicate infinite
transmission (test behaviour). This is HW based LBM/LBR and Requires VOE.
The LBM frame size. This is entered as the wanted size (in bytes) of a un-tagged frame
containing LBM OAM PDU - including CRC (four bytes).
Example when 'Size' = 64=> Un-tagged frame size = DMAC(6) + SMAC(6) + TYPE(2) + LBM
PDU LENGTH(46) + CRC(4) = 64 bytes
The transmitted frame will be four bytes longer for each tag added - 8 bytes in case of a
tunnel EVC.
There are two frame MAX sizes to consider.
Switch RX frame MAX size: The MAX frame size (all inclusive) accepted on the switch port of
96009600 Bytes
CPU RX frame MAX size: The MAX frame size (all inclusive) possible to copy to CPU of
15261526 Bytes
Consider that the Peer MEP must be able to handle the selected frame size. Consider that In
case of SW based MEP, the received LBR PDU must be copied to CPU
Warning will be given if selected frame size exceeds the CPU RX frame MAX size
Frame MIN Size is 64 Bytes.
The interval between transmitting LBM PDU. In 10ms. in case 'To Send' != 0 (max 100 -
'0' is as fast as possible) In 1us. in case 'To Send' == 0 (max 10.000)",
Loop Back State
Transaction ID The transaction id of the first LBM transmitted. For each LBM transmitted the transaction
id in the PDU is incremented.
The total number of LBM PDU transmitted.
Reply MAC
The MAC of the replying MEP/MIP. In case of multi-cast LBM, replies can be received
from all peer MEP in the group. This MAC is not shown in case of 'To Send' == 0.
The total number of LBR PDU received from this 'Reply MAC'.