10/11/11 PAGE 22
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In Contact Ethernet Link
Allows for enabling a link between Input Contacts on a Host device to Output Contacts on a
Remote device(s). Device’s input contacts can be configured either One to One, or One to Many.
One to One:
Enabling this option, the Remote Output IP must match the IP Address of the device you wish
to communicate with. This is also true for the Port Number. As well as enabling the One to One
option the desired input contacts must be selected from the Selected Input Contacts section.
One to Many:
Enabling this option, allows for the use of multicasting the contacts between a group of devices
within the same multicast group. For this work the Multicast Group and Port Number must match
the same Multicast Group and Port Number as the Output Contact Configuration. As well as
enabling the One to Many option the desired input contacts must be selected from the Selected
Input Contacts section.
Selected Input Contacts:
These check boxes allow for the enabling and disabling of the input contacts on the Host device.