Translation. The DosDrivers for PC0 and PC1 need to be loaded.
3.4 Prefs
W orkbench can be custom ised using Preference program s in the Prefs drawer. You can select Save to
save changes and will be loaded when rebooted or clicking Use will save preferences in m em ory only
and will be lost on next reboot.
3.4.1 Font
This selects the default fonts for W orkbench Icon Text, System default text and Screen text.
3.4.2 Locale
This sets the current language, country and tim e zone inform ation.
3.4.3 Pointer
This preference can be used to change the shape of the m ouse pointer. The Pointer can be a Low Res
or High Res pointer depending on screen resolution. The ‘Set Point’ button determ ines where in the
im age the click point is, by default it is at the top left.