- Click “Door open” to open the door during the talk
[Camera with door lock release function should be installed]
- Click “Talk” once again to end the talk
- After not being used for a while, LCD will be turned off automatically
4-3. Interphone functions
* Call from Interphone
- Interphone icon will be displayed with call sound.
- Click “Talk” icon to start conversation.
- Click “Talk” icon once again to end conversation.
* How to call an interphone on main screen
- Click interphone icon in the main menu and touch small interphone icon to
call interphone.
- When you receive the call, the conversation begins.
- Click “Talk” icon once again to end conversation.
* How to call an interphone during the conversation with door camera.
- If you click small interphone icon on the right side during the talk with door
camera, interphone call will ring.
- When the call is received by interphone, the talk among videophone, door
camera and interphone will be available.
- Click “Talk” icon once again to end conversation.
* Click “X” icon to return to the start-up screen.
- If more than one camera is installed [Door camera up to 2, CCTV up to 2]
click switch camera icon to move to next camera image in order.
4-4. Monitoring
- On standby mode, touch the screen and click Door icon for monitoring.
(Click “Talk” to make conversation with camera)
- Click “Switch camera” on the right side to convert monitoring.
(The following scenario is the example that 2cameras and 2 CCTV are
installed. If they are not installed like the example, the monitoring function of
relevant camera will not work)
1) CAMERA #1 (Full) + CCTV1 (PIP)
(When there is no CCTV1 signal, only CAMERA #1 (Full) is displayed)
2) CAMERA #2 (Full) + CCTV2 (PIP)
(When there is no CCTV2 signal, only CAMERA #2 (Full) is displayed.)
* Touch the camera screen to see it in full-screen mode. In same way touch
the CCTV screen to see it in full-screen mode.
Selection of Camera Mode (NTSC / PAL)
- When the monitor is turned-on, NTSC or PAL will be selected as the display
mode. Pay attention not to use NTSC and PAL cameras at the same time.