Plan Your Escape
• Draw a floor plan of your home.
• Show two ways out of each room.
• Discuss escape routes with everyone in your home.
• Agree on an outside meeting place where you will
gather after escaping.
Be Prepared
• Familiarize every member of the household with the sound of
the smoke, CO and heat alarms.
• Instruct each person to call 911 from outside the home.
• Teach everyone how to unlock and open all windows.
• Make sure security bars have quick-release devices.
• Keep exits clear and free from furniture and clutter.
• Hold home fire/emergency drills at least twice a year.
• Make fire drills realistic by pretending some escape paths are
blocked by smoke or fire.
Escape Tips
• Close doors behind you as you escape to slow the spread of fire
and smoke.
• If you have to escape through smoke, crawl on your hands
and knees, keeping your head one to two feet above the floor,
where the air will be clearest.
• Test the doorknob and spaces around the door with the back
of your hand. If the door is warm, try another escape route. If
the door is cool, open it slowly. Close it quickly if smoke pours
• Once you have escaped from a fire, do not go back inside for
any reason.
Important Fire and Emergency Safety
If you live in an apartment building
• Learn and practice your building’s evacuation plan.
• If you hear a fire or CO alarm, react immediately.
• Know the location of all building exits and fire alarm boxes.
• Use the stairs ... never use an elevator during a fire.
• If exits are locked or blocked, report the problem to your
building’s management.