Display refresh mode is indicated. In the FAST mode refreshment is fastest
with regular interval approximately 0.7 s. In the dynamic refresh mode
(DYN.) each 15 s refresh interval of display is doubled to maximum 5 s
if measured values are stable. If measured values change, refresh interval
decreases to approximately 0.7 s. This dynamic mode prolongs battery life
significantly. Select the desired mode by ENTER key.
Notice: if battery voltage is low, the FAST mode is out of operation to
reduce current consumption independently on this selection.
Each pressing of ENTER key causes displaying of service information on
software version (upper LCD line) together with instrument configuration
on the LCD lower line.
Alarm indication and setting
It is possible to set lower and upper limit for each measured quantity.
Breaking of the limit is indicated by blinking of the appropriate value on
the display. If a new alarm was indicated (i.e. it was not active in the
previous measurement), display starts to display the value out of limits. If
at least one alarm is active, audio indication can be activated, if menu
AUDI "On" is selected (see setting described above). Alarm activation of
each value can be disabled by setting lower alarm limit of the desired
value up to its maximum. This is indicated by OFF reading at the position
of numeric value. Value of upper limit of the same alarm is indifferent.
To set alarms press MENU key, select ALAR from menu items and
confirm by pressing ENTER key.
Reading ALLO indicates adjusted lower alarm limit (here air temperature).
Set the desired value by means of the arrow keys. Press and hold the arrow
key UP to make value increase fast. Press and hold the arrow key DOWN
to make value decrease fast. Release the arrow key and press ENTER to
confirm new limit.
Reading ALHI indicates adjusted upper limit of the same alarm (here air
temperature). Set the desired value in the same way as in above lower
limit. If needed it is possible to get back to lower limit setting of the same
alarm by pressing DISPLAY key. Press ENTER key to confirm new upper
Then you are offered to set alarm of other input value (here relative
humidity). The procedure is the same as the above temperature limit
setting. Alarm activation of each value can be disabled by setting lower
alarm limit of the desired value up to its maximum. This is indicated by
OFF reading at the position of numeric value. Value of upper limit of the
same alarm is indifferent.