Reviewing Technical Specifications
Runs in SCbus mode—does not support the Pulse Code Modulation Expansion Bus (PEB) mode
Runs at 4MHz bus speed with 8MHz clock speed
Provides non-blocking switching between 32 full-duplex Impact FXS telecom ports on the interface board and
the 1024 SCbus time slots. This means that the switch block can connect any of the 32 receive or transmit FX
backplane time slots to any of the 1024 time slots on the SCbus.
Runs as SCbus clock master or clock slave. The clock slave configuration requires a Sync card on the Impact
FXS (or an AUX board), and two elastic buffer integrated circuit components (IC chips) installed on the SCbus
interface board. The elastic buffers are not required for the clock master configuration.
Interface cable has 21-inch maximum length per SCbus standard. Cable allows SCbus interface board to
support maximum of 32 installed SCbus boards. Standard default cable shipped with board provides for four
SCbus boards in the Impact FXS computer portion and and three SCbus interface boards in the Impact FXS
telephony portion.
Considering Related Publications
Installing The Impact FXS Common Equipment Cabinet, Comdial pub number IMI66–134
The SCSA Hardware Model Specification, Version 3.0, 11/94, Dialogic* pub number 05-0104-007
* Dialogic Corporation, Parsippy NJ 07054
Complying With Underwriters Laboratories Regulations
Per The Underwriters Laboratories regulation 1950, be aware of the following precautions when installing
telephone equipment that is to be directly connected to the telephone company network:
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the
network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm—there may be a remote risk of
electrical shock from lightning.
Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
2 Introducing The SCbus Interface Board
Installing The SCbus Interface Board