Section 5: Trouble-Shooting and Repair
MicroBlaster MB1002
Comco Inc.
Issue Date: July 2016
This section explains what to do if you have any problems with the MicroBlaster.
The first part of the section describes some of the problems that may occur with
micro-abrasive blasters, and the second part contains detailed repair procedures.
Improper repairs may void your warranty. If you have any
questions, consult with Comco before you do any work on the
inside of the MicroBlaster MB1002.
Most problems that can occur with your MicroBlaster will fall into either one of
two categories:
No air flow - Nothing happens when you depress the footswitch.
Neither air nor abrasive is expelled from the nozzle.
No abrasive flow - Air flows freely from the nozzle when the
footswitch is depressed. However, there appears to be no abrasive
in the air stream, or it flows erratically.
The tables that follow address each of these conditions specifically.
Customer Service
Comco’s Customer Service Department is open Monday through Friday from
6:30am to 4:30pm, Pacific Time, to help you with any problems you may have
with your MicroBlaster. The telephone number is listed below:
Check our website for additional tech support information and videos:
You may also e-mail your questions to: