C42E 540kg LSA POH Issue 3 China
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Flap set to position 2 (11degrees / half flap) if required
CARB Heat off.
Check full power during take off roll
Complete the pre-take checklist ‘VITAL ACTIONS’ above. Ensure the trim is set to one step above neutral,
as indicated by a centre-scale reading on the trim indicator and the flap are set as required (Max position
2, 11 degrees, half flap). Always take off into the wind when possible. The maximum demonstrated 90
degree crosswind component is 17 mph (15 knots).
The stick position should be positively aft of neutral and maintained during the ground roll to minimise the
loading on the nose wheel. Smoothly bring the throttle to the full forward position, check the tachometer
for full throttle rpm.
It will be necessary to hold right rudder to counteract slipstream effect and engine torque during the ground
roll and climb out. The nose wheel lifts off at approximately 30 mph, (26 kt). Accelerate with the nose
wheel off the ground 2-4 inches, (5-10 cm). The aircraft will take off at 44 mph (38 kt).
After takeoff, let the aircraft accelerate to the best rate of climb speed Vy 76 mph, (66 kt), flap extended
to position 2 (half flap). At between 150 and 200 ft raise the flap to the cruising flight position 1 (-5°
degrees or no flap). Be ready for the pitch trim change to nose-down. Trim the aircraft as required for the
Best angle of climb speed Vx is 55 mph, (48 kt) flap at position 2(half flap ). However this climb speed
and angle are not recommended because in the event of an engine failure it is possible that control of the
aircraft may be lost. The aforementioned procedure is therefore recommended. This should ensure full
control is maintained in the event of an engine failure shortly after takeoff providing immediate engine
failure action is taken.
After Take Off
Flap up above 150 feet
Aux fuel pump off above 1000 feet
Engine temperatures and pressures within limits
Cross wind take off :
Take off should be made as described above but with into wind aileron. Maintain track down the centreline
with rudder and further maintain into wind aileron as required to stop your drift during the take off roll and
rotation. (Out of wind wing main wheel can lift off first during take off ). Resume wings level balanced flight
after take off.
The maximum demonstrated 90 degree cross wind component is 17 mph (15 kts)
Best angle of climb speed
Best angle of climb speed Vx is 55 mph, (48 kt) flap at position 2(half flap ). However this climb speed
and angle are not recommended because in the event of an engine failure it is possible that control of the
aircraft may be lost.
Best rate of climb speed
The best rate of climb speed is Vy 76 mph, (66 kt), flap at position 1(no flap ).