Check the wearing status
Ensure the join carrier position are appropriate by checking the following
check points in the mirror.
Is the hold buckle secured?
Is the baby’s underarm,thing or back of
the knee being pressed?
Check point
Is the support buckle secured?
Is the shoulder buckle secured?
Is the waist buckle secured?
Is the length of each belt adjusted to
fit the user's body?
When using as rear facing cuddling (Put on carrier before placing the baby)
Adjust the length of left and
right side belts to fit user’s body
Excess length of side belt
can be folded and tied
using the belt loop band as
shown in the illustration.
Fail to ensure the check points may
● cause the baby to fall from the carrier.
● impact the baby’s breath, or cause other
● impact the blood ci
rculation to the arms or legs
Ensure your visibility is not
impaired by the position of the
baby’s head. Please mind your
step as it maybe difficult to see
your feet.
Belt loop band
Side belt