ColorLite GmbH
ColorCube - Quick Start Guide
2) Calibration - Colour measurement
To calibrate the device use a certifi ed white calibration reference. We
recommend to calibrate the device before using it or before measuring a
colour standard. To calibrate, you must fi rst start ColorDaTra on your PC.
Then place the black reference above the measuring port and select
- Calibrate -.
After the dark measurement, carry on the measurement with
the white standard. Follow the instructions on the PC. Place the calibration
standard on the measuring port and click on
White certifi ed calibration
3) How to measure a reference
Reference colours are normally target colours, which we call “
Standards can be measured and stored as reference colour.
This standard is used for later measurements in the ColorDaTra software.
mode in the ColorDaTra software.
Choose a name for the standard, for example ”Powder Red”.
The measurement begins as soon as you press the
Typical standards are colour scales such as RAL or NCS, ideally in the same material as the
sample. But very often for quality control applications a release sample is best measured as the
standard. This ensures that the texture, geometry and other optical features are identical to the
When measuring a standard following points should be observed:
The standard must be clean - best always keep protected and never touch the surface.
For the measurement of inhomogeneous samples such as granules or structured surfaces
such as leather, it is possible to determine the number of measurements for colour analysis. In
this case, an average from the number of individual measurements is displayed and stored.
Number of scans
can be found in ColorDaTra at
The current setting is
displayed on the screen. The basic setting is “3”. The number of measurements can be chosen
between 1 and 20.
Select a tolerance range in ColorDaTra
”Quality control”.
Fix which
limits are to
be monitored. Feed in the limits in the mask. If you have not defi nded pass/fail limits for a
standard, the ColorCube shows the measured colour visually via the integrated LED lighting.