this competition. In such a case algae can grow and even explode in
numbers. In a pond this results in either turbid, green water or in mass
amounts of thread algae. In aquaria algae can completely cover the
glass, stones and even plants, leading to their death. In a marine tank
algae can overgrow corals to such an extent that the corals suffocate
and die. Although phosphate is basically not toxic, it is highly desira-
ble to keep the level low to prevent algae growth. For fresh water we
advise a threshold of 1.0 mg/l and for sea water even 0 mg/l. This can
best be accomplished by refreshing water; fi rst check the phosphate
level of the refreshing water.
Colombo BV,
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Internet: www.colombo.nl, E-mail: [email protected]
© 26-10-2011. Colombo B.V. All or parts of these text may not be re-
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